Maybe some gray!!!

Newfs Forever

New member
Dumb question. My Sammy is a rehome as of 1/04/2010. He will be 6 yo. on the 24th of this month. I don't have a great knowledge of his background. However, I do have the kennel name.

Sammy has gray hair (not a lot) on both of his hips and on his ears, top side of his ears. He also has some gray on his mug, but that is understandable.

This is not a "dead fur" situation. I have been brushing him and he just had a bath yesterday, and I can see more gray.

What I am wondering is; could he literally have gray genetics??

I have absolutely NO knowledge of breeding and/or genetics, hence the dumb question.


R Taft

Active member
I am lousy at color genetics too...........We bred horses and that bit I just always left in the "too hard basket". I just stuck with Bays/chestnuts and browns :lol: I would do the same with newfs :lol: , just black

Newfs Forever

New member
Ronnie, Sammy is considered a pure bred black. I have only had 4 newfs, so I am no authority on any of this at all.

I just thought that almost age 6 yo., he wouldn't have gray on his sides and on the top of his ears.

Just wondering if it could be some kind of recessive genes or whatever other types of genes are out there. (Hopefully, all GOOD genes!) LOL


New member

I doubt he's a grey carrier though, as the colour would not go through like that. It's the same with some blacks: even if they don't carry the brown, some blacks tend to go brown (usually either "sunburnt" or underwool colour coming through).