Losing Teeth and Crying


New member
Poor little Artie has lost 3 teeth today! He barely ate today and is laying on the floor crying. He loves his chilly bone, but it is re-freezing now. Any other suggestions to help him soothe?



New member
River had about 36 hours where she seemed to be in pain from teething. We froze a washcloth and let her chew on that. She loved squishing the melting water out of it. We also massaged the sides of her face and let her snuggle with us all she wanted. Also make sure he's plenty cool during this, it seems to help. And when it was at its worst, we put Baby Orajel on her gums. That really made a difference even though she really didn't like the taste. Good luck!


New member
Some have real problems teething while others don't. He may also get a fever and have loose bowels. Just do what Jackie said and when the new teeth break through, he'll feel much better.


New member
You can soak a wash cloth in water with a tiny bit of chicken broth and freeze. Give it to him when his chilly bone is re freezing:)


New member
We did the washcloth thing with Lola just using water. She would put the cloth in her back teeth and chew off chunks of it to eat. So while it works, just keep an eye on Artie. We couldn't continue using it with Lola. She absolutely loves ice cubes so I wonder if it was too similar?


New member
Oh thats amazing - I didn't have Archies as a puppy, but I had Labs, they didn't notice teething - they chewed a lot, but no fuss. It's offical Newfs are furry babies.


New member
We freeze (in a bowl) pieces of biltong (beef Jerky) and bits, then when it's hot we give it to the Labbies, Haven't tried with Archie yet, it is warming up though so soon. I got the idea from the Zoo, they do it for polar bears.

Sheila B.

New member
My old Newf, Blizzard, had a thing for cold pot holders. They weren't too big and as they thawed there was a scent of food.