Light a candle for Mowgli


Inactive Member
Hannah I am so sorry to hear abour Mowgli. It's something that we all dread. I can't stand thinking about *that* time coming.

Hugs to you all.


New member
Thanks everyone for your thoughts. Things are not easy here, and I don't think they will get much better, soon.

It's been a hard few days. Over the weekend I had to drive my elderly parents 3 hours to an 80th birthday party for my aunt and uncle. My mother, bless her, could not remember that we had lost Mowgli, and could not figure out why she could not get me into a good mood. At least all my family members are dog people, so they could aprreciate how I was feeling. Then on the way back from the party, a deer crossed the road in front of me, and was struck by the oncoming car. I just kept driving since I knew there was nothing I could do, nor did I want to see the ramifications.

Then....yesterday, coming home, I had to stop short, and was struck in the rear by a thunk, a Harley Davidson motorcycle. The driver dumped the bike and walked away, but all I could think was "splat".

Hopefully all the tragedies are over in my house for a while, and we can try to get back to normal. This loss is so much harder than I ever imagined, probably because to find me you always looked for Mowgli. There is no thump...thump of his tail on the wall when you called his name. He was a tail wagger... take out any drink on the table with that tail....

We all seem to be coping. Mudji keeps looking for him. Last night he laid down on the floor where he always did when he went to lick Mowgli's jowls, and this morning, he came upstairs and was licking the floor where Mowgli laid. DH said that Angus spent the prior night sleeping in Mowgli's spot.

I truely thank you all for your thoughts. It's nice to have a place to come that appreciates how we feel about our newfs.

with 2 four legged, 1 two legged, and 2 boys who've crossed rainbow bridge, Murphy, 1964, and Mowgli, June 2003.

Annie Milliron

Alpha Goddess

I've been think about you, and reading your most recent post gives me chills. You have had a rough week... Geez..... and I feel so badly for Mudji and Angus... it's impossible to know what they are thinking or to help them understand... my thoughts and prayers are with you...


New member
Hannah, I am so dreadfully sorry; tears are pouring down my face as I write. Have been away for a few days and didn't know about Mowgli. It is so hard to grieve. He'll always be in your heart and don't be surprised if you feel his spirit in your house as well. He's still there. You just can't see him.
love, Anne and Angus (and now Gracie).


New member
hannah, I too am sitting here with tears rolling. You have had a dreadful week. You sound as if you gave him such happy life. I bet he passed with a smile on his face. Hang in there, things will get better.
brenda and maggie