knee surgery update


New member
well it's 10 days since I got my new knee and things are going pretty well. PT is tough and when they bend my knee past 90 degrees I could go thru the roof! That's after I've taken two heavy duty pain pills too. Have to keep it up so I have full range of motion and can ride a bike again. Dogs don't seem to notice the crutches and push right past me in the house. I am down to one crutch because the strength training is going so well. Thanks for all the prayers and well wishes! Peggy


New member
I'm so happy to hear all is going well...I hope that means you can make it to Token Creek! You know that I will be there...rain or!


New member
Yeah... My friend is 21 days out on her knee replacement. She mentioned the same thing about the past 90 degrees, with one exception.. she can't take pain pills.

Glad to hear it's successful.. Couple of more days and no restrictions, I am sure.


KS Newf

New member
So glad that in spite of the pain of healing all is going well. Positive thoughts, prayers and healing energy continue your way!


New member
Gwen, I will have to see if I can ride in the car that long, it hurts to have the leg down. And of course I could not hang on to any dog leashes. I thought the meeting was the first weekend in June so that extra week might help.