It's starting to feel like summer!


New member
well, for today at least. We spent the day by the river walking and watching Oliver swim while soaking in the sun. Such a perfect way to spend the day.
My husband, Oliver and I

Oliver sitting still for a minute

love this profile pic


New member
Hi there! Oliver looks great! Is that George Rogers? Yesterday was so hot and sunny, lovely and different from the very cold storms we've been having. We had our yard guy helping us, lots of dead eucalypti from winter deep freezes . By the time we were able to get out with Orka it was 7/p and was suddenly very cold again, very windy and raining! Dramatic weather shift. We took him to Luscher Farm Dog Park for the 1st time, just one other dog there but she played with him for an hour. He got completely coated with wood chips and mud. Then Freepon Park, then Marylhurst. Now it's warm out and raining. Up in the wee hours letting him back in.

We still run into kids every day saying they know Oliver!


New member
Thanks! I took the photos with my iphone and am very happy and surprised by the clarity of them. Most photos I take are kind of grainy but it must have been the sun that helped. We were at Mary S. Young park again, just a bit down from where Oliver and Orka played. It's such a great place for them to swim! They should play there again soon!


New member
Lynn thought it was Young; I said, "But Oliver is so clean, look hardly any sandy mud on him." Such a gentleman Newfie to emerge from those lagoons so clean! We definitely need to get together again. Orka is a little calmer now :lol: Still looking for a Newfie puppy playmate.

Very clear beautiful photos! Mcjhannon, your love for Oliver always shines in your face and it's joyous.