Ina's Mothers Day Weekend in the Mountains (Pics)


New member
Last week, Ina and I were discussing cast iron pots and pans and their value. I proudly told Ina that I have some cast iron pots and skillets that were 'handed down' from my Mom, that my Grandmother 'handed down' to her. I supposed they were 60 or 70 years old, at least. Well, Ina informed me that her cast iron was 100 + years old. :fce32f95: She promised to get a pic of one of her cast iron pots that she used during her Mother's Day weekend in the mountains with her son.

I have to say.... she looks fantastic for all she's been through in the last 6 months.

Cheers, Ina! :hugs:

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New member
Oops.....Ina's mountain vacation .....the rest of the pics.

Emmie Lou, she hardly ever talks about how she's doing. I did ask if I could post the pics, she said yes, but was a little self conscious because she didn't have any make-up on. ;) She is amazing.


Active member
Ina does look great! I'm sure glad to see she is doing well. We've missed her!

I have a bunch of cast iron handed down from my mom and both grandmothers. It wouldn't surprise me to learn that they were 100 years old, too. My favorite is a square skillet, perfect for toasting sandwiches or frying up bacon strips. I can't live without it.

Recently, I passed several of them on to my son. And it won't surprise me if his kids end up with them all.

If those pots and pans could just talk. My father's mom crossed the prairies in a wagon to end up in mid Kansas where her family lived in a soddie for some time. I can just hear that cast iron clanking on the sides of the wagon, and imagine the pots steaming over an open fire.
It's so good to see Ina!! Thanks for sharing the photos. She does look amazing! I will have to send her a note telling her how gorgeous she looks :)


New member
What a treat to see those pictures. Thank you for sharing. I too love cooking with cast iron and have a great pan that was at our cottage so not sure how old. But, love cooking with them.


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I just came on here to post pictures. She sent them to me, too. Doesn't she look great! I am so happy. And, she's continuing to live her life as usual. What a remarkable woman. I have found that she tends to deflect my questions, again, preferring to continue with her life as usual. I think she is amazing.


New member
My favorite is a square skillet, perfect for toasting sandwiches or frying up bacon strips. I can't live without it.

That makes so much sense to me - a square frying pan for bacon!

If those pots and pans could just talk. My father's mom crossed the prairies in a wagon to end up in mid Kansas where her family lived in a soddie for some time. I can just hear that cast iron clanking on the sides of the wagon, and imagine the pots steaming over an open fire.
The history alone behind these antiques makes them priceless, gotta pass on the stories with the cast iron. :)

On another related note: I watched Bobby Flay make Pineapple Upside-down Cake in a cast iron pan tonight. :D


New member
Ina- means beautiful soul! (atleast in my book) Love you, girl! you always had wonderful words of wisdom for me! Peg


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I sent Ina all of the responses in this thread. I guess she figured out that a few of us get frustrated because she really skirts the cancer issue when we email back and forth. I am a paragraph person, and Ina is not, as a result, I felt an intense need to divide her email into 3 sections. I also offered to set up a Facebook page for her, but she won't hear of it. :D

Here's what she had to say about her health and the Newfs:

As to questions..I am trying to cover a few from here..and again I am amazed. Yes..Honey Bear (HB and slowing to the heart congestion at 10 yrs. and 10 months..but she gets all ..huffed-up..and runs if she sees Kesa..the 3 yr. old..'seemingly finding a squirrel/critter or challenge'..and hustles over..and I always fear she is going to end a noseplant..and flatout..for the final time. ) Each day reduce the strain on HB..I leave her in a kennel..take Kesa out for 2 hikes by herself. I remember how a 3 year old..would learn to pause more, the wind..and look behind her to see what I was doing/indicating. Kesa and I are ..learning that together..all over she leaves the puppy flails and headlong romping..leading we a mature-er..newfy future.

My health is now..the way I look at with chronic cancer. All who had the amt. of cancer I had..nodes all too..except for one..and I am sure it was screaming at the top of its lil lungs JC lady..get your surgery asap... 10 years ago..might not have made it too long. 2011 IS the time to have the meds of today..because it is not such an immed. death sentence..if play your cards/nutrit. and ramp up exercise..ya last..waaaay longer. I am taking the est. blocker..each morning..the Zometa every 3 months and an anti depress. of 37.5..each evening. Putting that dosage in of my returned guys from being taken down to the VA hosp this coming friday by me. He needs to have conversation..and calming..and not carry his pistol while driving on the freeway. His cur. level of meds is 200 something. He is like a son..and by cracky..we will get him to his leaving here at 4:15 AM..and talk and play tunes all the way. Once a parent..always a parent! It may be that he will be put on full disability..but he has too many years of being a good person..ahead of not search the options/treatments. So anyway..I am just living my life..doing the farm work I always do at this season..and feeling totally good. If I had no information that I had cancer..I'd never know it. Well ..rightside-bosemless'..would give me a clue.. ;)

Speaking of that..I went in for my cancer society fitting and got one prosthesis, and 2 bras. They spent 40 min..and all was free. When I no longer need these items they will be returned to the these other women..who went before me. That..good what the concept of man..IS all about. Glad everyone enjoy'd the pics..and I think I love my panda hat pic the best..considering what the son and I went through at the get it.. ;) Hugs and thanks so much for posting the comments..and hugs to those still working to make the world a better, healthier place. Soldier on!! Peace, ina