I tried to rescue a Newfie this week.


New member
A lady I work with has a neighbor that has 2 children, ages 10 and 11 plus a 14 month old Newfie/Great Pry mix dog named Elvis. Long story short, the kids were playing in the house with a bunch of other kids. They came barreling up from the basement, knocked over the Newfie (named Elvis). Elvis turned around and bit one of the kids in the butt. The parents of said kid, called the police and the dog was put into quarantine for 10 days (mandatory in our state). The husband decided they needed to find another home for the dog after the quarantine period - as he couldn't "trust" Elvis anymore.

I told my co-worker I would love to meet Elvis and have him meet our Willow to see if he was ok with her. We went over on Monday night and all met each other. Elvis was a bit shy with Willow but no aggression - he basically ignored her - he was more interested in me. After discussing our home situation with my SO we thought it would be a good idea for Elvis to make a visit to our house for the weekend and see how it all went. If he did ok here, we would just keep him.

Well Wednesday night the owners decided they didn't want to take the responsibility of "foisting their problems" onto someone else. I really don't know what happened, but Thursday Elvis was euthanized. I was and still am, upset and furious that they didn't give this dog a chance. I felt that we could have given Elvis a second chance. One he won't have now.

Thanks for listening.


Active member
I am so sorry Susan. You did your very best to help him. Why is it that the dog pays with it's life for the owner's stupidity. Sometimes, I think they just don't want to be proven wrong.


New member
Very sad....How could they do that after you offered to take the dog?? They were obviously only thinking about themselves and not poor Elvis. It's people like that, who don't deserve to even own a pet....

Sue M.

New member
Awww, that is so sad. People just DO NOT teach their kids proper etiquette around dogs and other animals and when something goes wrong, like Jane said, it's the dog who suffers and pays for it.

Bless you for trying Susan.


Active member
very sorry to hear about elvis, know how you feel, our Jessie was nearly euthanised as she was supposed to have growled at one of her former owners and they said they were afraid she would bite one of their kids. Funny how they forgot to take into the account that she was heavily pregnant and in bad health and condition at 8 months old. She was one of the lucky ones as we got her the day before she was going to be put to sleep and have cared for our beautiful but neurotic girl ever since.


New member
How horrible for this poor dog,
You did everything you could do for Elvis.
Why is it the dogs alway's end up losing.
Some people are just #%#%in idiots!!!!!


New member
I'm pretty sure I'm not allowed to post the words I'd like to about those people.

Bless you for trying. Poor Elvis....
So the next time a human smacks me, or does something idiotic, can I shoot them and put them out of their misery, because I can't trust them?

*grumble grumble*


New member
First off thank you for walking up to the plate, and considering adopting Elvis. I wonder if they were not being totally honest about the biting, had there been other incidents??


New member
First off thank you for walking up to the plate, and considering adopting Elvis. I wonder if they were not being totally honest about the biting, had there been other incidents??

I definitely got the impression that I wasn't getting the entire story. My co-worker, who is these people's neighbors, said she had Elvis with her on several occasions, taking care of him, while the family was out of town. She said he was a quiet dog, listened to her, knew how to sit, go down, stay. But she also said Elvis was shy, and fearful of loud noises and children. These problems, IMO, could have been worked on as a member of our family. Also, we live on the outskirts of town, have 3 acres on a cul de sac, no neighbors nearby with children. It's a damn shame we didn't get the chance to try.


New member
I'm reading your post in ernest, waiting for the happy ending and GASP!! What the H%$$?
I'm not getting the mindset here at all. I'm with Liisa on this one. I definitely know I'm not allowed to post what I really feel about these people.
I am so sorry Susan. Thank you for trying to do the right thing for Elvis.