I have a question....................


New member
That goes along with the question:
Why when I look for something, it is in the last place I look?

( and I do know the anwser to this one <vbg>)


New member
Ah but all else..slids away like smoke in a light wind when one..changes the ...'Perception'..of ones placement. ina n HB n Kesa


New member
The other day I made a left turn at a light. After a few hundred feet I saw the end of the line of cars going through a work zone. I quickly looked in my rear view mirrow abd thought - Great, no car behind me....... I'm first in line! Then it dawned on me - First in line to be last in line!

Screwed again! lol


New member
The other day I made a left turn at a light. After a few hundred feet I saw the end of the line of cars going through a work zone. I quickly looked in my rear view mirrow abd thought - Great, no car behind me....... I'm first in line! Then it dawned on me - First in line to be last in line!

Screwed again! lol
Off your meds Jimbo ?? :devil::devil: