

New member
You're very welcome! ;)

Another excellent process is, if your Nurse says an herb causes cancer...please please double check that. Some of the scientific researches coming out are being mis-read. Phytochemicals work very differently than synthetic chemicals. As females we really have to be aware of this. LOL! We go through our stages differently than guys!

A good example is Black Cohosh. A scare through some practioners and nurses swore the studies said, the estrogens of this plant cause breast cancer. This is incorrect as of this date. In fact, quite contrary. The studies were misunderstood. It is taking a great deal of time to clear this up!

Another example opposite to this...Comfrey. At one time (and still in the US) herbalists use comfrey quite freely. It was believed harmless. Studies in Europe found differently in long term uses. Because of Comfrey's alkalines, they found some individuals susceptable to hepatotoxicity (Regards the liver). Some individuals are far more susceptable than others. Especially so if you already have liver problems.

The answer? Some herbalists are taking precautions and know that for every herb that has a major caution flag...there is another herb that is gentler and combined right with other will in fact be better for that particular individual.

The wonderful thing about get to actually take part in it. It's interactive. Or it is supposed to be.
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New member
The beginning question at do vacs or not to do...

I, personally, believe wholeheartedly that vacs are imperative. Until a natural alternative with emperical studies, with proof shows me will stand that way. I myself, as much as an herbalist that I am...have had vaccinations for everything. I am exposed to the public majorly on a daily basis. And remember...bottom line. If you yourself want to travel, and are especially traveling with a better have proof of vaccinations or titer otherwise you and your pet will not be going anywhere! Parvo scares the heck out of me because...there could've been a dog with parvo there at that park before you were. The dogs your Newfie plays with may have been exposed or may have something...and you wouldn't know.
Better safe than sorry unless your Newfie cannot have vaccinations.

On the other hand...I do feel in the US we do tend to over vaccinate!


Inactive Member
RobsandRobin gave some awesome information, but there's just a couple of more points I'd like to add. A good Herbalist can be a God-send, but I find that to meet the needs of my family (and soon-to-be puppy) a Naturopathic Doctor is an incredible resource.

Naturopathic Doctors (N.D.) do not have ALMOST as much training as medical doctors, they have the same (some may argue more when you consider content, but hey, I'm not even going there). A Naturopath must have an undergraduate Science DEGREE and then they go to school for their four years of Naturopathic training to become a Doctor of Naturopathic medicine. That's 8 years total. A Naturopath treats using a variety of modalities including herbs, accupuncture, homeopathic medicine, vitamins, supplements, diet and lifestyle counselling etc... My Naturopath does not see animals, but there is a DVM here that is ALSO a Naturopathic Doctor. She sees people half the week and animals the other half (practicing holistic care on both). She will be our new pup's vet.

And remember, the whole idea is prevention meaning good food, proper supplements, stimulating, challenging exercise and feeding the mind, soul, and body (this goes for the people in the house too ;)


New member
Originally posted by TNeuf:

And remember, the whole idea is prevention meaning good food, proper supplements, stimulating, challenging exercise and feeding the mind, soul, and body (this goes for the people in the house too ;)
Very very True!!

I notice you are in Canada! I am very impressed with Canadian herbalists and Naturopaths!!! More people being open...the more there is to learn!! So much fun!!

Naturopaths...Here, yes they do go through major training, but not quite the same as what we think of Physicians here in the US. The focus is different. This is the complication here in the US. I totally agree they are doctors...however legally, through insurance, and through some states, and federally in some It is highly political and wrapped up in so many things. Those who make the decisions on a Federal level will argue it til the cows come home. So in reality, a Naturopathic, although a Doctor, is a Doctor of a Study. I realize this is far from the truth. But it is one of the stigmas that have been put out in public. At one time, in many States the discussion of herbs or someone being a herbalist or Naturapathetic was truly a major NO. Many States here will NOT recognize even a Naturopathic. But they won't stop you from going to a Naturopath, or from consulting with herbalists. For whole plant protocols and not isolates. I'm really pleased more people are becoming aware. In time...all well be better.