Help the switch to Orijen? (Runny poos).


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My family has started their new black lab puppy on Orijen LBP. She was on Innova LBP, but they suspect an allergy as she has a lot of dandruff, a grungy, smelly ear (although they may have gotten shampoo in it during her first bath about 2 weeks ago, and she is being treated for a yeast infection, per their breeders request) and nibbles/itches her feet, and the rest of her body, quite often.

We are trying to switch her over quickly, so naturally are getting some runny poops, although they are not liquid poops yet. I was told to put her on probiotics to help with the switch, and so they are going to, but can not get any until Monday. Do you know what they could add to the Orijen to help firm up her poop until then? Pumpkin?

Thanks all!


New member
Thanks so much! Has anyone ever switched quickly because they suspected allergies? I'd like to just cut out the Innova now, as we just got the Orijen yesterday, but we'll see.

How much pumpkin at first? 1 tsp?


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I don`t know how much, but make sure it`s the canned pumpkin that`s pure, not the pie filling, because that has a bunch of extra stuff in there what wont help at all.. I made that mistake once..


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I switched Boj over from Canidae to Orijen cold turkey. He didn't have a problem with the quick switch, but anything was better than how he was doing on the new formula Candidae.
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I did a cold turkey switch too and it was immediately hard the next day. I was very happy with the results.


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I am in the midst of switching Murphy over to Orijen from Nutro and am finding loose stools.. Just trying to bear with it..


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Jen, are you switching very fast? And are you doing the pumpkin or probiotics?
I am trying the more gradual approach since there was no medical reason to go fast. I just got fed up with the price of Nutro and the way they are screwing with the ingredients etc. I tried to first do it very very gradually.. Then when I was at the point of almost half and half I mixed the 2 together. He will be eating that until it is all gone then go onto straight Orijen. I am hoping he has adapted to it well by then. I may try the pumpkin but how much do you put in ??? And at the risk of sounding stupid.. where does one get the probiotics and how much?? :confused:

Henrys Mom

New member
Could be that he can't tolerate the Orijen. Just because a lot of people love it doesn't mean it's for every dog. I tried to put Henry on it and he had horrible loose poops. Never did firm up so I took him off and now he is on Taste of the Wild and doing wonderful!!


New member
Thanks all! 2 fine poops this morning, even without pumpkin, but I started the pumpkin anyway.
Jen, I heard about a tsp a day, but then again I have a 27 lb puppy, you've got a dog that is considerably bigger...I'll try and find out for you.
For probiotics, I was told you can get them at any health food store (human grade) or online. I personally take one that I get at our grocery store in the health section...Acidolphilus (probably spelled that wrong), and it says it is a probiotic blend. This will be fine for our pup, so she'll get that today. It's capsules and we are going to do one a day. I know there are different brands for dogs on the internet, maybe just google probiotics for dogs? Make sure the CFU/live culture thing is at least 1 billion.


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We just put a dollop on her food. We do 1/2 tsp in the morning, her probiotic at lunch, and the other 1/2 tsp of pumpkin at dinner. Someone on here might know how much to give a Newf...