Have you massaged your Newf lately?


New member
I thought I'd post about how much River loves to be massaged. She knows when it's time for our session and eagerly lays down and stretches out (at least one hour after eating). I love the grunting and sighing sounds she makes, and especially the way she stretches her hinds legs out to me and even rotates a little to give me better access. It's a wonderful way to bond and so good for them. It gives me a chance to put my hands all over her (not just down her back and ears from a good pat) and really get to know her body - if anything changes (likes lumps, bumps, scrapes, burrs, matts, etc etc) I'll know it. She does get warm and usually needs a big drink afterwards. Give it a try if you've never tried it before. Go for one yourself - you'll sleep better I promise.


Inactive User
I recently started a small massage for Moo when I'm grooming him - much easier to get him to relax before I start working out knots! And you're right, they do love it. My chiweenie dog falls asleep if you massage him!


Active member
Your thead on River makes me think of Myra, I get the same thing from her and I adore the noises and love the streches....and then she gives me attitude when I stop
Zeke scrunches instead of streches....it's funny


Active member
We do this with all our rescue dogs and its a great way to get them used to being touched and help destresses them beautifully


New member
Judy had a class about a month ago at our trainers. Our trainer had a prefessional and licensed Pet Massage Theripist come and teach a four hour class on How to conduct a pet massage class. I went to watch. very educational. So she lady who gave the class taught the massage part, then taught a medical massage, that once you know how your dog feels, you can get an early idea of possible medical problems. Thought it was a good use of $40. She also has where you can go and she has private pet massages two times a month or Home visits.


New member
I do it for Sydney (NN), she loves it! I want to take her to a friend of mine who has her own place, Canine Massage Chicago.


Active member
I do it everyday, it helps with his joint problems, keeps the muscles and tendons from knotting up. It also helps me with my anxiety disorder, I am so relaxed after I give Bär a good massage.


New member
I created a monster with nightly massages. Every night he jumps on the bed, paws me, and won't stop until he gets his massage. Also, HE decides when the session is over. If I tell him "that's enough, go lay down" he'll paw at me until I cave in. Other nights, he'll just go lay down. I think he knows when he's being short-changed.