half and half


New member
What the hell am I suppose to do with half puppy fur half adult fur!?!? :cussing2: My poor Busa looks like someone poured baby oil only on certian parts of his body. :uglyhammer: Adult fur is laying down and puppy fur just as fluffy as can be. I know with summer almost here I will get his hair cut (not shaved). Is it better to just wait for all the adult fur to come in? He is shedding so much! Is that from the seasons changing or losing his puppy coat? Or both? He is like a dandelion. You touch him or the wind blows to hard and POOF! White fur everywhere. I comb him and rake him at least twice a day. I know all the loose fur is only going to make him hotter. Any suggestions, advice or personal experience welcomed. Except get a good vacuum. Ordered one yesterday. LOL


New member
Yep....The undercoat rake is definitely your friend.

I took Hannah out on the upper deck yesterday and turned the force dryer on her. When I finished there was enough hair flying around the yard for condors to build a nest.


New member
Mars coat king is my best friend. Pretty much everyones Newfs are blowing coat this time of year. Totally normal, and the different types of coat is totally normal too. They all go through a transition while they grow in their new coat.


New member
I just looked at the pics you posted, he's adorable!
But he doesn't have a coat to cut yet :D
Really, just getting the undercoat out helps immensely. He won't fully have his adult coat until about 3 years or so. :)



New member
Riggs is 2.5yrs old and just getting his adult coat in from his adolescent coat. It takes a long time. Trim to keep it neat and tidy but don't let them shave or use clippers on him:) That shiny oily looking stuff coming in is actually the healthy stuff. The floof might be starting to get a brown tinge to it? That's dead coat. The joys of owning a Newf! The blowing of the coat!


Active member
Just wait till he goes through the lanky teenage stage...it's an in between stage where they just don't look like a newf, they look a bit odd but they grow into themselves. I think when I got the coat king for Zeke at age 3, he still had an orange patch on his back I couldn't stand and the coat king helped to finally get rid of that


Active member
another thing we do is in the summer I have his belly hair tunnelled , just a strip off so he can get better contact with the tiled floor, also we have cool coats, large fans and last year l bought them an air con unit

spoilt babies here


New member
Yup, just keep brushing.

No need for a haircut to keep him cool. You can have the belly tunneled like Victoria said. Otherwise, just trim around the edges. Getting the undercoat out is the key.

Capri has a great booklet on grooming that I love. You can find the link to order it under the "Newfie stuff for sale" - highly recommended!


New member
Ahhh.. you've reached the truly ridiculous stage of newfy development :) Brush, rake, mars coat king, comb ... and a camera to document it so you can laugh later.


New member
I know this might sound stupid but can I just use an air compressor? For just blowing off the loose fur?


New member
I think the air compressor might be a little too direct and scare him, plus the noise?
But I know people use a shop vac sometimes.



Active member
We used to use our shop vac, but really, nothing compares to a real high velocity dryer. We fought it for a long time thinking it was too expensive, but we finally caved and bought one. We use it ALL THE TIME on Elvis and really regret not biting the bullet and getting one sooner.

If it's one thing I've learned from NN it's that if everyone on here recommends something, just go on and get it. There's a reason everyone loves it!