Green Tripe?


Inactive Member
Three is a local company that makes natural raw dog food from green tripe ( Even my vets use it. Has anyone had any experience with it or want to weigh in. Also some of my neighbors use it and swear by it.

[ 05-26-2005, 09:32 AM: Message edited by: NewNewfMom ]

Newfs Forever

New member

I am a raw feeder, but, I have never used the green tripe. As I understand it has to be the raw and unbleached stuff. I also understand it smells to the high heavens.

However, it has alot of wonderful properties in it.

If you decide to try it, please let us know what you think.



New member
I've never tried it either, nor have I known anyone who uses it. However I heard the same has to be the natural unbleached stuff.

I do know someone who feeds Ostrich to her dogs, which she orders. She and her dog LOVE it!


New member
My dogs LOVE the green tripe! But they only get for special occasions..... BECAUSE ......they smell to the HIGH HEAVENS


New member
Guido got green tripe a lot. We got it from a place for paws and it came ground (the consistancy of hamburger though a little spongier) and frozen. It smelled, but he ate it so fast it was not a problem...

I miss him.


New member
Okay, imagine a 90 degree day, on a country road behind a truck carrying 140 cows that have been in there for 2 days. That's the smell of green tripe. But the dogs love it. I wouldn't buy the kind you have to cut yourself because it will gag you.


New member


That was very...descriptive!

Seriously, though, while the frozen pre-ground smells...I don't think it was THAT bad. I have heard the canned stuff IS that bad, though...maybe worse.

I would say, get it ground up...


New member
Ugh! I tried to save a few bucks one time (literally like $2.30) by buying it whole with the intention of grinding it myself. OMG!!! Never again. It's so good for the pups though. And they love it so much. But get it ground.


New member
ok, long may I have lived, and with all my science and cooking and medical background, I still don't know what tripe actually is...nor why this is called "green" that as in "slightly rancid" or "a lotta rancid". And why is it so good for dogs...and in what quantitites...and where do you get it...seems to me like i've seen it in pet stores.


Inactive Member
It comes in rolls - yes it is already ground up. I just saw my vets yesterday (my coyote-mix just destroyed his cruciate ligament thank you very much) and they use it for their great danes. She said the conversion she was given was 1 pound of tripe for every 8 oz of kibble. So I'm feeding Sammy & Di 8 cups per day (each) so that would be 16 pounds of tripe per day. Hmmmm - maybe I should just buy the company. My vets said yes it smells, but only for a little while. They cautioned against kisses immediately following a meal.


New member
Oh Bleh! Tripe = muscular lining of beef stomach.

Sharon...go for it, and see how it does. Maybe you can cut down on the kibble a bit then? Or is it a "plus"??

By the way...your email keeps getting kicked back. I think your email box is full. It's been days and days!!


New member
It's supposed to be one of those "perfect foods" for dogs...but the first time I read a description of the way the stuff smells, I decided that I wasn't sure our girls were ever going to try it. ;)


Active member
It's one of the most nutritous foods you can feed your dogs. Yep, it definetely smells but the dogs LOVE it. It smells like an outhouse on a hot, humid August day ;)

I just ordered some as a welcome home present for Renee's Kosmo. And of course Baxter and Wilbuh are also more than welcome to feast on this delicacy. The order will go out tomorrow and it's going by cab and should arrive at Renee's place in a couple weeks.............................. :eek: