Getting ready for the big snip


New member
Kilrain is getting neutered Friday. My long-suffering vet has already agreed that Kilrain will be first in that day so I can stay with him until he goes in. I will also be with him in recovery and will stay with him until he can come home.

Kilrain is the first dog we've had neutered. Moose was already done when we got him and the rest have been girls. Any advice on after care? I think I remember people using boxer shorts to protect the area.

I don't want to throw off Kilrain's navigation by making him wear an e-collar if I don't have to. Also, they both lick each other's boo-boos incessantly so that wouldn't keep Katala off. (I always know when she's getting an ear infection because he starts licking her ears and she licks his eyes if they are getting irritated.)

Should I ask for Tramadol for pain? Any other tips?

Thanks. I know this is routine but I'm nervous anyway.


New member
Sorry no doggie advice but you have my full sympathy. We just had our 2 male littermate Maine Coon kittens neutered and it went fine. I told them what was going to happen and why for a few days ahead of time, and they were champs, calm and relaxed.

When they first got home they were groggy and a bit uncoordinated but within 2 days were more playful and rowdy than ever. They're wild little hellions and seem the same now. No excessive licking. Orka did think they smelled different when they came home but now it's all back to normal.

Good luck and prayers for your Kilrain!


New member
He'll be just fine! :)

To be honest, with all the dogs we've had spayed/neutered for rescue, there has only been two that needed the cone of shame. Only one had major problems, and that neuter was done on a boy who was extremely high strung to begin with. None needed any kind of boxers, or anything. Yes, we do 3-5 days of Tramadol and I think that really helps. My Vet actually does disolvable sutures on the boys, so there is no need to go back. They do great.

Please let me know how he does, and if you need anything, just ask.


New member
Thanks! I appreciate the moral support and ideas. I'm sure he'll be fine. I on the other hand may need a :tequila:


New member
We had our two boys snipped at Thanksgiving. DH and I were both home for a few extra days because of the holiday, and only had to distract licking a couple of times. They did come home on pain meds which helped keep them more quiet. They both did fine, no cones, no boxers, no problems. Good luck.

Sheila B.

New member
Zeus was neutered at age 4 and needed nothing but some pain meds for a couple of days. There were no problems, no cone, no boxers. I did give him his pain meds as indicated, but weaned him from them by the 3rd or 4th day (don't exactly remember). I did potty him on lead during the first week just to prevent him from getting too playful outside, but he did very very well. Do not worry, he'll be fine and so will you!


New member
Teddy had no problems at all after his neuter. Didn't bother his incision at all. Riley, on the other hand, managed to rip out his stitches on the way home from the vet. So, back to the vet, more stitches and a cone. He actually seemed to enjoy his cone, he would scoop up snow and toys in it and fling stuff around. One of those "if life gives you lemons, make lemonade" type of guys.


New member
Boxers are too loose, it's easy for them to get a nose up the leg. If he needs to be prevented from licking, boxer BRIEFS are the way to go.

Calvin Klein is preferred here, by the connoisseur.

Also, bags of frozen peas. Stock up on 'em. Nanook LOVED to have me apply those to his bits, and would clamp his thighs down around the bag. Hah!


New member
Ricky was really concerned about the "Big Snip." After it was all over he wrote everyone here a letter:

An Open letter from Ricky;

First off I'm fine, I don't understand what the fuss was about. I was told that I was a very good boy by all the Vet Tech, and I got plenty of hugs from them (they are all girls, so it was a bouns day, as I SMOOCHED THEM ALL!

Hello everyone! I just wanted you all to know how proud I am of my Dad.
He is the best. Now I understand why he took me to the Vet yesterday.
He was having me Tutored! I'm tellin you I'm so smart now, I almost
can't stand it.

When I came home I was sorta tired, and not really hungry. I'm not sure
exactly why, but I was told it had to do with the Tutoring. I also
found myself when I woke up wearing someone named Calvin's underware. I
don't know who this Calvin guy is, but he does have taste, and a fashion

My sister Oreo also knows how smart I am. I told her I was Tutored, and
then jumped up on her back. She fell to the floor and with all four
legs in the air was laughing so hard, cause I knew she was thinking
about how jealous all the other dogs would be knowing I was Tutored and
now super smart.

So far everything's OK with being a super brain, but I noticed when I
walk, I don't have that big bag between my legs bouncing back and forth
when I walk. It's sorta distracting, but with the "Calvin's" (at least
that's what I call them), I can now store a bag of ice there, so it's
kinda convenient. I heard Mom saying something about frozen peas, personally I like Limas better, but what-da-hey!

Anyway, I got off the subject. I just wanted to let everyone know how
cool my Dad is and Mom too.


Mr. Smooch - The Worlds Greatest Smoocher
Super Brain - Tutored for smartness!
Receiver of extra treats and lotsa girl hugs!

PS - Anyone want to know the value of Pi?

So, here it is right from the horses, er....Newfies mouth. Nothing to worry about.


New member
Sharon, we'll be thinking of Kilrain (and you guys) today. Let us know how it goes. We'll have a virtual drink together afterwards!


New member
Thinking good thoughts for Kilrain. Tomorrow it will all be behind you, Buddy. Wait a minute...that's not a good analogy. Next week you'll feel fine and slightly lighter!


New member
Thanks everyone for the support. We are home and Kilrain is sleeping it off. He has pain meds and I'm keeping him where I can see him for a couple of days to make sure he doesn't go after the incision.


New member
The little bugger was play-bowing at me when I tried to get him to come in from potty-time tonight. I think I'm in trouble :lol: