Game of Thrones?


New member
What makes the story so great is that sometimes the evil ones dont end up being really all that evil, and the good ones arent exactly angels themselves. Its not your typical fairy tale type book, the good guy doesnt always win. If fact the good guy has his own agenda just like the bad guy, he is just way more subtle about it. Thats one of the things I guess thats conveyed in the books so much better (and hopefully later in the show, we'll just have to stay tuned to see).


New member
I freely admit to my citizenship in this Geek-dom!

I've read Jordan's WoT but had to leave after about book 6, too; very repetitive. I'm sure I read the Fire & Ice books, but they're lost in the mist of years ago :(

A few of my Fave's (not mentioned) are:
Dragon Prince trilogy by Melanie Rawn
Anne McCaffrey; 'nuff said.
Elizabeth Moon: Paksenarian series
David Eddings; Start with "The Belgariad" (5 books)
R.A. McAvoy: Tea with the Black Dragon
"DragonWorld" by Preiss

Yeah, I was addicted to Dragons for years :lol:


New member
Well, I really enjoyed tonight's episode! I feel like they're really getting into the story. Ser Jorah's voice annoys me though, and I'm still glad I've read the books for the info between the scenes.


New member
When Lady was killed, I closed my ears...ugh. I HATED that....Love that they have "dogs" though :) I'm absolutely in love with this show, need to read the books now, too.


New member
I've come into thrones without having read the books as well.. and I think they've done a pretty good job of laying out the territory. I'm not lost and I'm loving it. I will now probably have to go back and read them!