Game of Thrones?


New member
Just finished watching Firefly with my teens (well, my son is 12, but..) and they loved it. know I'm a fan of Firefly! I'd be interested to hear your opinion on Game of Thrones having not read the books. It'll gain momentum, in my opinion.

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is next on my list to read! I'm currently reading James Collins, because I found out he's a veterinarian, and I can tell in his writing. (Want to cry yourself to sleep? Read his short story, "The Pit." Don't say I didn't warn you.) I'm also simultaneously reading Ayn Rand.


New member
It was pretty good, great start. Follows the books fairly well and at least thus far I love the character selection for the actors. I am super jazzed for next week.


New member know I'm a fan of Firefly! I'd be interested to hear your opinion on Game of Thrones having not read the books. It'll gain momentum, in my opinion.

Jonathan Strange & Mr. Norrell is next on my list to read! I'm currently reading James Collins, because I found out he's a veterinarian, and I can tell in his writing. (Want to cry yourself to sleep? Read his short story, "The Pit." Don't say I didn't warn you.) I'm also simultaneously reading Ayn Rand.
Ayn Rand; you're brave. I just don't have what it takes for any of her works. Let me know how it goes for you; I'd be curious...


New member
Ayn Rand; you're brave. I just don't have what it takes for any of her works. Let me know how it goes for you; I'd be curious...
Well I loved The Fountainhead, and I'm almost through Atlas Shrugged. I am really enjoying them, actually. She definitely has a viewpoint.

Sorry, back to topic!


New member
Renewed for another season already? Numbers from Sunday must have been good. Does that mean A Clash of Kings?
Thats my understanding at least. 1 book per HBO season. Awesome that it was renewed already I was a tad worried about that as the production costs to make it have to be huge. Good that the viewership is that good so far.


New member
Alas, I do not have HBO... :( I'll have to wait for Netflix.

But I guess I know what to add to my reading list. Anyone else reading the Wheel of Time books?


New member
Lauren - I'm re-reading WOT - I'm on book 11 currently - had to re-read to refresh my memory before starting the two new ones written by Brian Sanderson.

Viewers came in at around 2.2 million, I think - for the premiere. And 1.1 million for the encore performance - (NBA games might have pushed some people to watching the second go-round).

It came in with only half the viewership of Boardwalk Empire's premiere - but it doubled the premiere tune-in for True Blood, so HBO I think is satisfied.
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New member
Lauren - I'm re-reading WOT - I'm on book 11 currently - had to re-read to refresh my memory before starting the two new ones written by Brian Sanderson.
Wow! I'm on book 6, first time through... I actually am taking a little break to read some of the Dresden books.

I have to add, I love finding out that I am not alone in my nerdship. :hugs:


New member
Yep, I've read WOT too, but I am also going to re-read before I start the new books.

Another one that is a must-read is Name of the Wind (Patrick Rothfuss). Wise Man's Fear is the 2nd book that recently came out, but I haven't read it yet because then I will have read it. It's always kind of a bummer when you start reading a series and the rest aren't out yet. I also enjoyed Gene Wolfe's Wizard Knight.

Anybody else got a must-read fantasy series?


New member
This will identify me as a super-nerd, but I love the Stardust series by Neil Gaiman. It's more of a Victorian Fairy Tale/Fantasy hybrid. A fairly quick read though as it is illustrated...


New member
Kristen, there is nothing wrong with a little Gaiman love. Though I must confess - I am very, very tired of hearing about Amanda Bloody Palmer.

Stardust is a great book. If you haven't read any of his others, try Neverwhere next. And if you liked Stardust, you HAVE to read Terry Pratchett's Wee Free Men series - The Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky, Wintersmith, and I Shall Wear Midnight. Read them to your kids. Do it.

Jackie - it's time for us to have our first fight. Don't get me wrong, I've read BOTH Rothfuss novels, and I enjoyed them...but they also infuriated me. I think Rothfuss has a long way to go before he's as adept a story teller as either RJ or GRRM. For one thing, he's incapable of giving his books a satisfactory conclusion. Obviously they're serialized, but so are the WOT books, and the Song of Ice and Fire books, and all of those manage to seem like complete books, with rising action, climax, falling action and conclusion. Rothfuss' novels just suddenly STOP. No falling action. No conclusion. It drives me up a WALL.


New member
Kristen, there is nothing wrong with a little Gaiman love. Though I must confess - I am very, very tired of hearing about Amanda Bloody Palmer.

Stardust is a great book. If you haven't read any of his others, try Neverwhere next. And if you liked Stardust, you HAVE to read Terry Pratchett's Wee Free Men series - The Wee Free Men, A Hat Full of Sky, Wintersmith, and I Shall Wear Midnight. Read them to your kids. Do it.
Okay, more super-nerd confessions: I've read, I think, every Neil Gaiman novella, novel and comic there is! One of my most prized possessions is a copy of Death Talks About Life that's never been released from it's original sleeve (another is BAC -author omitted so no one googles it and thinks I'm a weirdo!- that has also never been taken out of it's sleeve). In fact, I am such a Neil Gaiman nerd that in high school, I wore my makeup in the SAME fashion as the Death character and wore an Ankh choker to boot! :p


New member
I see your confession - and I confess that I hate hearing about Amanda F*ing Palmer because I am crazy jealous of her. Because obviously if Neil was going to trot around marrying much-younger women, Neil should have married me. I, too, am I huge Gaiman nerd. My big Christmas present two years ago was all four leather-bound editions of The Absolute Sandman. I nearly wet my pants, I was so excited.

Have you read his Pratchett collaboration, "Good Omens"? It's freaking hilarious, if you haven't.


New member
I see your confession - and I confess that I hate hearing about Amanda F*ing Palmer because I am crazy jealous of her. Because obviously if Neil was going to trot around marrying much-younger women, Neil should have married me. I, too, am I huge Gaiman nerd. My big Christmas present two years ago was all four leather-bound editions of The Absolute Sandman. I nearly wet my pants, I was so excited.

Have you read his Pratchett collaboration, "Good Omens"? It's freaking hilarious, if you haven't.
Oh yeah, I forgot to reply to that friends have been on me forever about reading Terry Pratchett! I know I should, but since the baby I really haven't had time to really sit down and read. A couple of months ago, I got sick of my No Reading Rut and made a promise to myself that, no matter how tired I was, I would make the time to read at least one chapter of a book at night and started with one of my books I got for Xmas, David Sedaris' Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk and then a Mike Birbiglia book that I expected to be funny, but was so disappointingly not.

But I'm open now since finishing that last not so good book. In honor of my gal pals and of you and that little nugget of yours, I will pick up a Terry Pratchett book and start that one next. What do you recommend me picking up first?

Had to Google Palmer...ugh. I was never a fan of the Dresden Dolls. She's like a not quite as talented or attractive version of Emilie Autumn! I would have preferred that he went with her if he was going to go the Gothic Kewpie Doll Musician route....


New member
My big Christmas present two years ago was all four leather-bound editions of The Absolute Sandman. I nearly wet my pants, I was so excited.
Sounds like my reaction when Shawn got me The Complete Calvin and Hobbes Collection (Hardcover) for Xmas! LOL! Nerds unite!


New member
But I'm open now since finishing that last not so good book. In honor of my gal pals and of you and that little nugget of yours, I will pick up a Terry Pratchett book and start that one next. What do you recommend me picking up first?

Had to Google Palmer...ugh. I was never a fan of the Dresden Dolls. She's like a not quite as talented or attractive version of Emilie Autumn! I would have preferred that he went with her if he was going to go the Gothic Kewpie Doll Musician route....
Re: Pratchett - that's a tough call to make. Here's my rundown on the man:

He has a VERY large stable of books set in the Discworld to choose from - the first books start out pretty flat - the characters are staple characters you could find anywhere in the fantasy genre - which was sort of what he was going for then. The satire is pretty heavy-handed and the jokes are pretty obvious. As the series progressed, so did his ability to make his characters multi-dimensional and more "real" - as well as his ability to satirize modern society through the medium of his fantasy world. So I can't really recommend that you start at the beginning - because the beginning is kind of lame. But you lose something in the translation if you DON'T start at the beginning.

It's complicated, no?

In general, I've found the novels that involve Rincewind are my least favorite. The novels involving the witches/Tiffany Aching, or the city watch, are my favorites. If you're going to read the series in chunks based on the characters, instead of chronologically from start to finish - then do be sure to start with the first book of each particular group.


Equal Rites (this one was one of the early ones, so isn't super - but you have to start here unfortunately as it introduces the characters)
Wyrd Sisters (a parody of Hamlet)
Witches Abroad
Lords and Ladies
Maskerade (a parody of Phantom of the Opera)
Carpe Jugulum (a parody of every Vampire movie/book)

Witches/Tiffany Aching:

The Wee Free Men
A Hat Full of Sky
I Shall Wear Midnight

City Watch:

Guards, Guards!
Men at Arms
Feet of Clay
The Fifth Elephant
Night Watch
Monstrous Regiment

Moist Von Lipwig/Lord Vetinari: (Two of the most interesting characters in the series, arguably...but if you're going to read these, read them after the City Watch books - because the City Watch books deal a lot with Lord Vetinari also).

Going Postal
Making Money

Alternatively - you can follow the plan suggested by the good folks at L-Space, who are at least as insane as I am about Pratchett.

The one that I've re-read the most is Monstrous Regiment. Couldn't tell you why, exactly - but it's definitely my favorite.