Food switch


New member
Because of my daughters allergies, I wanted to change Buddy's food. Orijen contains eggs, which make my daughter swell up like a balloon. I found a store that sells Nature's Balance Limited Ingredients Food Duck and Sweet Potato.

Since Buddy has a picky tummy, I figured this would be a tricky change, but so far so good, we are on day 2, no runny poos, no gas and we switched cold turkey. In a week or so i'll let him lick her again and see if she reacts the same way. I'm not sure if it was the eggs or him, hopefully next week we'll get a better idea which is the culprit. Now just to get the number of cups of food right.

On orijen he was eating just over 2 cups a day (1 cup twice a day). The Natures Balance i'm feeding 3 cups a day (1.5 cups twice a day). I'll monitor his weight, but if anyone thinks this is too little, please let me know!


New member
I had Tug on the Duck & S. Potato before switching him to Orijen. He did fine growth wise (he was still a puppy) but the poops weren't good. Good luck!


New member
cant find a calorie count on the website for this food. if its on the bag compare it to the almost 500 cal that is in orijen.


New member
No advice but sympathy for the little one's allergy. We have a niece who babysits for us and she has a deathly peanut allergy. So many dog things are peanut butter flavored and I just can't have that stuff getting drooled around the house...

I hope the food works out for all!



New member
WOW. Maybe I missed a posting...did you find out that her allergic reactions were from interactions with Buddy?? That would be incredible if you've found the link.


New member
We were thinking the saliva, until another dog licked her and she barely reacted at all, but when Buddy did, she had hives that spread quite quickly, so we thought.. maybe it was the food, and I looked at the ingredients list and it's quite probable seeing as eggs are in the top ingredients in orijen.

She doesn't react to the dander at all, so I was doubting it was him. If the food switch works for Buddy, then we will stick with it. I'll do the lick test in a week or so, and hopefully no reactions!


New member
I've had good luck with Natural Balance limited ingredient products for my cat who has a chicken allergy. They seem to make a high quality food and he has thrived on it, so that sounds like a good option to keep the eggs out of the house!