Favorite Newf Book?


New member
I have a pretty large collection of Newfie books, as I'm sure most of us do, and I got curious to know what everyone's favorites are. My hands-down favorite would be Great Balls of Fur by Nita Jager; I also consider it to be one of my favorite books of all time (though really, I don't read many other genres besides Newf stories or wildlife stories :D ) I find that it is the one I am always pulling off of my shelf, and I have read it hundreds of times (it seems), and it never ever loses its entertainment value. It has a wide range of tone from comedy to drama to tragedy that is not overdone at all; the author simply tells the story without frills, and I like writing like that. It is not overly sentimental; in parts where it gets a bit more sentimental, it is entirely appropriate, not melodramatic. You really get to know the dogs almost as if you lived with them; the writing, language and wit is excellent.

So...what does everyone else think? What's your favorites?

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
Never heard of that one! I want to get it. I like "In the Company of Newfies" although is a little sad at times. I've also discovered Victorian period writers mention Newfies in thier writings, like Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott. Jane writes in her letters that her brother (in the British Navy) went to the Americas and she requested he send her a Newfoundland Dog home each month!:D


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So far my favorite book is "In the company of newfies" There is just something about
this book that I love. I've never heard of Great Balls of Fur, I'm going to look it up.


New member
I never knew that Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott had Newfs. Seems like I'm always discovering historical figures who had them :) I would love to get my hands on all sorts of old writings like that...that's the stuff that's never advertised on Newfoundland book websites and so forth.

I think Great Balls of Fur may be a rare book, so it might be hard to find, but I think it's advertised on Newfoundland dog store; they have a large collection of rare books.


New member
I have "Great Balls of Fur" on my book shelf and haven't read it yet. Thanks for letting me know how good it is!

My favorite Newf book, so far, is "[FONT=Verdana,Tahoma,Arial][SIZE=-1]The Best Friends I Have Were Brought to Me by My Dogs" by Chris Pulver. I really loved that one!

Lisa@Caeles Hills

New member
Jane Austen talks about Newfs in her private letters, and Louisa May Alcott talks about a Newf pulling a wagon full of kids in her book "Under the Lilacs". I'm not sure if they actually owned one or not but Jane said she would like to have a dozen of them. (ya gotta love Jane! :D) I suppose she would have named one Darcy. Those are just 2 passages I came across in reading.


New member
Just wait until our very own Bob's book is finished. I'm thinking we will all have a new favourite..


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Thanks for the tip about "Great Balls of Fur". There are several used copies online at half.com and amazon. I just ordered one :) I can't wait to read it.


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BTW, my favorite Newf book is a children's book titled "Newf" by Marie Killilea. It is a very sweet book. My husband and I BOTH cried when we read it. Definitely a good addition to any library. I'm looking forward to reading it to our daughter someday with her in my lap and a Newf curled up on each side of us :D


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"In the Company of Newfies" is the only one I've read but I would say it's a great book. It gave me insight to my dogs world. I laughed, cried, cheered and pondered. I would say it's a "Must Read".


New member
Just wait until our very own Bob's book is finished. I'm thinking we will all have a new favourite..
Is that the book on Mary that I'm (just looking at now!) online? If so, I think I would like to read it; so far what I've read has captured my attention. Mary is really a beautiful dog.


New member
don't I just wish! Beautiful newfs and naked men, what a lovely combination! And yes, Miss Mary's story will rocket to the top of the list. I'm already calculating how many copies I will need for friends and family.


New member
In the Company of Newfies, absolutely, but I also love Of Heritage and Heart by Claire Carr, based on the loss and eventual return of her own two Newfs. The story is from the Newfs' point of view, but not in a way that makes them seem human. She's a very keen observer of animal behavior. Having had Maneen gone missing for 5 days, the story really touched me.
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New member
Is that the book on Mary that I'm (just looking at now!) online? If so, I think I would like to read it; so far what I've read has captured my attention. Mary is really a beautiful dog.

Yup that's the one. he promises it will be finished soon.. :sunflower:


New member
Oh gee, I have a bunch. I love "In the Company of Newfs", and "99 Newfies", I think my fave might be a children's book, "The Carved Box". Oh, and "Star of the Storm", et al, since I recommend it to many of the kids I speak to.
I'm also waiting for Bill's new book due out in Augsut, I didn't know my old 'hoot Bob was writing one as well? Too cool, I'll be ordering that one as soon as it is published as well!


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I have Of Heritage and Heart as well and it is probably my next favorite; I myself have written similar stories about animals as long as I can remember so it is really an inspiring book to me.


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According to Worldcat, there are 5 libraries with Heritage and 18 with Fur. I've requested my copies... Later I'll ask for the others.


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I've read my kid _Thunder From the Sea_ several times, they love it and so do I. The main character is a boy named Tom Campbell, and my youngest is Gregory Thomas Campbell, so he really likes the book!