Escape Artists


Active member
I've seen that many times at events. Especially with the round top crates. They tend to roll so much easier. It is pretty funny looking. My soft side is cube-like and has grommets in the corners to stake it down. I know you can't stake in the house, but if yours has something similar, perhaps you could "leash" the crate to something.


New member
We bought that kind of crate. (Don't have the dog yet!) I wonder if we'll get the same entertainment value you did?


New member
A video is a great idea! I'll try to catch him doing it again, however, we had retired the crate because in addition to being completely mobile (he could just roll himself into any room he felt he needed to be in) he learned how to force the zipper on the flap open.

I also wish I had known about the "Newfs behaving Badly Calendar" because I think he would have made it.

A few years ago my husband let Oso out on the deck, closed the screen door and left the room for just a few minutes. Apparently, Oso really wanted to come back in the house. When Richie walked back in to the kitchen, Oso was standing there, tail wagging. And the screen door was on the floor.