Cough? Allergies?


New member
Well, I bit the bullet and paid 775.00 for allergy testing and serum...Loki is allergic to...everything. Dust mites, cat dander, many grasses and trees! New development is, she coughs every morning, like she is clearing her throat, only clear phlegm comes up...any one else see this?


Super Moderator
She sounds like my Samantha who was allergic to many things including 4 types of grasses, 4 types of weeds, cats, dust and storage mites, fleas, all dairy except eggs, corn, beans, lamb...are a few that I can remember.

I do know my vet said if they have too may allergies that the shots will not help. I still decided to try the shots for Samantha and as my vet said they didn't help. The only thing I could do to give her relief was to keep her on the lowest dose of prednizone possible. I knew (or thought) it would shorten her life but knew it would give her better quality of life. She was 3 when she started on them. She lived to be 14 yrs, 2 months, 2 weeks and 5 days. I found I was able to keep her comfortable on about 10mg every 2-3 days. Good luck. Allergies suck.


New member
Sorry to hear about the allergy issues. Hopefully you can find a way to keep her comfortable.

As for the coughing, Maggie does that occasionally in the morning. Perhaps she's just clearing phlegm from the night if she only does it that once? I noticed that on the days Maggie does this, its usually high-pollen days because I end up doing the same thing!!

Maggie did it more when she was taking some meds that gave her some tummy trouble - giving a zantac with it solved that problem.

If she's not coughing continually I wouldn't worry too much, especially if the vet listened to lungs recently and she was fine, but just ask the vet next time to be absolutely sure.


New member
Gilly is allergic to quite a few things too (based on the testing), including cat dander, wool, and people! with grasses being the worst and most (fortunately not mold, fleas or trees!). Anyways we have been doing the shots for just over a year now with absolutely no benefit seen. A prescription antihistamine helps very mildly (benadryl, etc. does nothing) and the steroids are the only thing that give her true relief. There's another medication we have yet to try that's an immunosuppressant :S Gilly never had sneezes/coughs though - she gets really itchy and gives herself sores/staph and gets lots of ear infections. Sorry - no advice for phlegm.


New member
Sorry to hear about everyone's allergies. I know I've mentioned it before but we had great luck with Prozyme. It really did help Chance with his ears, along with removing wheat from his diet. I told one of my daughter's friends about it and she is seeing good results with her chocolate lab.