Can. Speciality 2010 - looking for pictures


New member
I'm posting this on behalf of the Hospitality Committee for our Speciality next year as they are putting together a continuous show of pictures to run during the Speciality. Because there are so many great pictures on NN, I thought I would post it here for folks to send in a picture of their dog(s) if they would like. So even if you can't attend, your dog could be there!! :lol:
*Dead line for submissions is Feb 1st 2010.
*If you wish a caption, include your dogs name and any info you would like added
*Email to: Put Canadian Speciality 2010 in the subject line.
*Only 1 picture/Newf; pictures of Newfs with other breeds welcome as there is an all-breed show at the same time (how about a Newf with a Basset buddy?). These photo’s will not be returned…sorry - just not enough time to return them all. The pictures will not be used other than for this purpose.
I'm going to be working in Hospitality & look forward to seeing dogs I know!


Active member
I certainly think Jen can come up with a picture of Murphy. And I'm sure Sandra has tons of pictures of her crew. I'll see if I can come up with a good one of Caera & Misha together. I so wish we could be there so, Marlis, we will expect regular and frequent updates of the goings on out there.


New member
I just wanted to bump this because there have been some great photos posted since & I wanted to remind folks.