Best way to Newfstock?


New member
When I take the 407 east from Toronto, I come across to the end, then hang a right and head down to the 401 (about 7 minutes). The 401 is not that bad from this point on, and it's just a short drive to the 35/115 exit.


New member
i think thats the way we are going because of the time we are leaving.. yay for TO rush hour traffic..... im very very excited thoughhhh


New member
Was talking to Emmie Lou a little while ago, she is safe and sound at the cottage. She said the 401 near Kingston is under construction and pretty nasty for those of you coming that way! Had to cancel my dinner plans with her tonight due to having a surrender coming in. 8 month old pup in bad shape. Those of you around tomorrow can come help us groom him and clean him up!


New member
glad they arrived safely! And I don't know if I can help with your new boy, not sure what time we will arrive exactly, but I am most absolutely certain that I can love on him once I arrive ;) I have my food prepped (trying not to blow my diet plan all to hell this weekend), I am packed up, puppy is packed up, however, I just blew the seat out of my folding chair (hence the plan to not eat like a pig this weekend). Off to Walmart we go!