Beautiful Sunday at Pontchartrain Beach


New member

To take a little of the sting out of losing my beloved Corgi, we took Obie on an outing to the lake on this gorgeous, cool, sunny afternoon for a little fetch, a little wading and a little playtime.

It was lovely. Obie had a blast. We met new dogs and people friends. I smiled and laughed and for a little while, escaped the sorrow.

In some ways this felt like a tribute to Betty.. the once endlessly fetching Corgi, who in recent years had not been able to run or play much because of her blown discs. She had her time. Today became Obie's time because as we all know these guys aren't with us long enough and we must savor every moment.


New member
So sorry about the loss of Betty. The beach looks beautiful and Obie looks like he's having fun in Betty's honor.


Active member
Wow. I love what you wrote at the bottom about having her time and now Obie has his.

I'm so sorry for your loss with Betty, but I love your attitude. You're in my thoughts.


New member
I love the pics, Obie definitely enjoyed himself. I applaud your wisdom and courage. You are an inspiration.


New member
It is so hard to lose one you have loved for a long time. You will always have Betty in your heart but now there's Obie to cheer you up a little. Glad you had a good day.