Anyone used turmeric for dogs?


Inactive User
Keep hearing turmeric is good. You all know what a desperate situation I'm in, so I take everyone's advice and research and evaluate first. Wanted to check with the newf experts if it's any good and worth adding to his regimen?


Inactive User
It is an aniti inflammatory and good for arthritis, so might benefit Moose. No harm in trying.
Sounds good! Thanks. Any idea on how much to give him, or should I just google it? Just wanted to check with those who know newfs. I'm going to ask the vet tomorrow for some Tramadol and mobic for pain management.


New member
I did with Chance. It didn't do anything that I could see. I used it with Ginger too. Nada. Used for a couple of months in fact. Chance is 14 + a few months. He's got arthritis in the rear and weakness. There is ONE thing that's made a huge difference, and that's Microlactin.

The reason I KNOW that's what made the difference is because I ran out for a week and a half, and he got worse and worse. He couldn't get up on his own, couldn't walk far, it was awful...and he was taking the Turmeric and Ginger. Along with his aspirin (see comment below re aspirin)

So when I got the order in this past Monday, we started him back on it immediately. By Wednesday, he was SO MUCH better again. He still gets weak if he tries to over do it, but he's getting up and down on his own again, can climb on the sofa to rest, walked about halfway up and back our 1/3 mile drive...and can get up and down the 2 steps out. He'll sometimes struggle going up if he's just tired, but otherwise, he's great.

He also gets 2 enteric coated aspirin 2x a day WITH A FULL MEAL. (Beware of aspirin because it IS an NSAID so talk to the Vet about this)

But the Microlactin is what makes ALL the difference. It can be taken with other Meds. It won't interfere. You can go to the Swanson site and read about it.

It's milk enzymes. That's it. They're extracted somehow and I don't know why it works so well, but it does.

And it's cheap. He gets 2000 mg 2x a day. He weighs around 147 lbs, but even if the dog weighs less, I'd still start with that and back it down to 1000 mg 2x a day after a couple of weeks. (That's what I do with Addie a 120 lb ortho nightmare, and Mira a 125 lb girl who has spondylosis). I do NOT back his down. That's his constant dose. It's not going to hurt's MILK enzymes ( as I said. ) That's all. hahaha

I break the pill in half and put in his breakfast and dinner. The pill is kinda big so he won't eat it unless I break it for some reason. It's not as big as kibble so I don't get it. LOL

Here's what it is and where I get it. Just a hint...IF you order it, I'd suggest getting 2 bottles at a time at least. That way you only pay shipping once. I ordered 3 bottles last time and shipping remained the same as it would for one.

Oh and it's the 1000 mg (Double Strength) version. They also have it in 500mg but I prefer the larger dose because I don't have to give as many pills.

It's for humans so you can take it too! :)


New member
Yep, definately the Microlactin! Didn't know about it for Chance but it's helped Sydney (my Aussie mix with horrible hips) a lot!!!


Inactive User
It honestly scares me to think of where we'd be without this forum. Thanks for the heads up about Microlactin. I'm switching him to Orijin food (he's on Purina Pro Plan Shredded right now) so he'll be getting the best of the best of everything for the rest of his days. We'll add the Microlactin. Do any of you know if I should continue giving him his regular supplements on top of the Orijin? He's on 1,000mg of fish oil and ester c, and 2,000 mg of gluc/chon.


New member
No problem giving other supplements. And you don't have to give the Microlactin with food. It won't upset the stomach. Some dogs will just eat the pills like a treat. It kind of smells like vanilla or malt. Chance is just old and picky. :) Is Moose on any pain meds? (It won't interfere or negatively interact with those either...I'm just curious)

When you switch to Orijen do it gradually. Start w/ 1/4 c of Orijen mixed with ProPlan, then go to 1/2 cup then 3/4 then entirely. Do this over about a week. Otherwise you MIGHT have an upset tummy. Origen is more rich than Pro Plan. won't need to feed as much. It's higher watch his weight!

Oh and I just went and read your thread about Moose. I'm so sorry you're both going through this, but he might surprise you and with care and pain management, he may be around for a LONG time, and have a comfortable life.

I didn't read the whole thread but have you tried acupuncture? My Mira has spondylosis...from being such an active crazy youngster. She'd jump out of windows (take the screen with her...first floor thank heaven), over 6' fences from a standstill, would dig UNDER said fences and shove the metal up with her back so she could wiggle out, etc. She was a wild child. When she got spayed, being on that metal table almost did her in. Along with the back issues caused from the spondylosis and the metal table, she was getting infections everywhere. She was in SEVERE pain for a month. Could barely walk..her legs wouldn't support her. It appears the spine was compressing nerves. She wasn't eating and lost 15 lbs...and she was already thin. Infections weren't going away. It was awful. Nothing worked to fix it...until acupuncture.

She didn't change drastically after the first treatment, but I noticed she was moving a bit more, seemed much more comfortable and started eating. Then after the second treatment...she was running. From that point on she just got better. The infections went away (yes she still got antibiotics too) and the back was feeling good again. She was back to her active crazy self...but the spondylosis wasn't "cured" ... the pain was gone as was the numbness in her legs. That's what acupuncture stops the pain mechanism somehow.

She had 5 treatments total. Once a week for 4 weeks then one a month later. The change was amazing. And another of our dogs, Lucy, had the same reaction (even better - she was running and jumping after the first treatment and she couldn't even walk into the Vet when we got there) when she hurt her back.

Mira will now have pain in her back about once or twice a year, and a two day regimen of a NSAID from the Vet fixes her right up.

It's been 4 years since then...and she's doing great. She was SUCH a mess, they weren't sure they could save her. So keep your chin up. You never know. And please TRY acupuncture if you haven't yet, it's worth a shot. It won't "fix" his problems, but it may well stop him from hurting.

Sending lots of good thoughts for both you and Moose.
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R Taft

Active member
If you are happy to use herbal stuff try "Devils' Claw" and "Seatone" which is New Zealand green lipped Mussels...they did make a very obvious difference in my Abbey, who was the dog i had all the Arthritis issues with. She used to bark for her Devils' Claw, seemed to know it was good for her. It comes from health food stores or herbalists. I still would look into the Bowen therapy and acupuncture it also helped...Does not fix, but helps pain


Inactive User
Donna - He's not on pain meds yet because I'd given him baby aspirin on the day he was really bad off last I have to wait 10 days to give him anything. The vet on Thursday recommended Rimadyl, the forum has mentioned mobic instead of that, and adding Tramadol. Someone who had a dog with a bad back mentioned gabapentin. I know nothing about dog pain relievers, so I'm taking notes of every recommendation and going to ask the neuro vet today about it.

We haven't done acu yet, but I've seen huge improvements just from the water and laser therapy (not sure which part he benefitted from the most, since we did them both on the same day). I'll continue that until it warms up here in Utah and I can do the water therapy on my own in the lakes we have. We know of a good acu place that we'll try though. Heard nothing but great things, and I'm all for ANYTHING that can help my boy. The way I see it - he's been in constant pain for his whole life. So although there are no "fixes" for him per say, giving him a nice regimen of pain meds and some therapy via water, laser, massage, acu, and whatever else we can do can improve and hopefully extend his life.

I'm just hoping this vet today doesn't concur with the vet from Thursday that Moose is miserable and that I'd be cruel to even keep him around for a few months. Cross your fingers for us!


Inactive User
If you are happy to use herbal stuff try "Devils' Claw" and "Seatone" which is New Zealand green lipped Mussels...they did make a very obvious difference in my Abbey, who was the dog i had all the Arthritis issues with. She used to bark for her Devils' Claw, seemed to know it was good for her. It comes from health food stores or herbalists. I still would look into the Bowen therapy and acupuncture it also helped...Does not fix, but helps pain
Smart girl! Loved the new videos and pictures you posted of your water training. We'll see if we can find some devil's claw. Haven't had success finding Bowen therapy yet but we'll keep looking - I haven't had the time to look as deeply as I should but it's on my list! Thanks for all the help and support and encouragement. It's nice to know that others that have had dogs with poor health have helped extend their lives. Gives me hope I didn't have two days ago. I'll let you guys know how the appointment goes today.