Anyone hear from Ina lately?


New member
I heard from her shortly after Christmas, but I was in no condition (shingles) to do much more than look at her post. She was doing great and getting ready for spring. She talked about HB but in a good way, and she's doing her walks as usual. I'll check with her soon and let you all know. She's so amazing. When she sends good thoughts and burns her sage, you can literally feel it across the miles.


New member
I heard from her today. Told her NN was asking about how she was doing, so I'll get a good reply and will post part of it.


New member
Here is an excerpt from Ina's latest email. As you can see, she in typical fashion is not letting anything get her down.

I am giving up hope that Kesa will ever chose to actively become aggressive and kill anything. HB would find her..severely lacking in the old pioneer/woodland life style. Missy Kesa is a fluffy Urban..I am thinking. My health continues to amaze everyone..and is simply..on we go. I do everything I used to..just more of it. The information about how the ..bounced/wobbled/twisting/hiking body..enhances the repair of the bones..certainly makes me keep a sharp eye on my continued activity level. Of course I am ..toying with the idea of taking an asprin now but..since it is already 1:53 PM here..I may just blow it off. Yesterday I was rappelling a bit..from the ferns and buckbrush hand hold I had..going down a mud river bank..and slipped a little..which then ..propelled me into a full out..tarzan type swing. You can just see me can’t you..awwway from the bank..out over the sandy slough and rock below..blah blah. Well..the hand hold..’held’..and I grabbed another toe hold with my boots (should have had tennys)..and then..eased on down. My fathers training on what you can hold onto..hand wise..has saved my neck..over these many years. He always explaind the root depth and all plants so..that I could sort when you pull the pin out of a grenade..and then ‘pause/count’throw’..that I could estimate the amount of time and weight..I could ..count on..using brush/plants..rather than ropes/sticks. The business of course..a whole nuther story!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Those of you who knew her can appreciate her telling of this story.

Bella and Gabe

New member
Oh Nina! Thank you so much for sharing Ina's message. She always knows how to live life to the fullest and best. And her telling of her daily activities brings vivid images. I chuckle and laugh and am looking forward to more stories from her. Please extend my highest regards for her and good thoughts for continued improved health. She's just the best!


New member
Thanks for sharing her story. I used to really enjoy them.

I'm so happy she's doing well after all she's been through. Please tell her we are thinking about her. :)