Anxiety help


New member
I posted this info on someone's post but I thought it may do some good posted on it's own.
This is a shirt using pressure points to ease dog anxiety

I have one I used on my old guy, it worked really well for him.

R Taft

Active member
They are a good solution for some dogs, I know one labrador, whose life has changed because of this shirt


New member
I've heard they're good, but haven't needed one so far. I do have Molly who's afraid of thunder, but she's fine as long as she can go in the office and sleep under the desk. A couple of others are a bit uncomfortable with large claps of thunder, but nothing that stresses them unduly.


New member
i have friends that got one for their dog, and they were pleasantly surprised to see how well it worked on her, she is much much less stressed about thunder now.


New member
I'm the friend, and yes I did all the steps. I've tried everything for Maddie who will be 10 in December. The only place she will somewhat calm down is in the bathroom during fireworks and thunder storms. She likes to wedge herself between the wall and the toilet.
I read somewhere a while ago that some dogs can feel the electrical charge from the storm and if they go in the bathtub or near the toilet, they get "grounded". I'm not sure if it's true, but it seems to work for Maddie. She'll start pacing an hour or two before the storm comes. I just set everything up for her in the bathroom, water, toys and bone. She'll hang out in there until she feels comfortable enough to come out.


New member
Maybe it's different when your dog is scared of something, rather then anxiety disorder? With all my pups, when I bring them home, I always do a few poper fireworks, turn the tv on real loud, vacuum, stuff like that. So I've never really had a problem with fear of noise and such. My old guy developed a disorder and he was anxious about everything! Floors, carpet, closed doors, open doors, even his food dish made him anxious. My vet said that sometimes they have a type of dementia, so we just tried to keep him calm, and the shirt really helped to settle him.


New member
I think each dog is different, so mixed results are going to happen. It will work better for some than for others, but since it DOES work for some, it may be worth a shot if it's something your dog has an issue with.


New member
I have one for Sydney (NN). I think it does help her somewhat. She is afraid of loud noises like thunder and fireworks. The trick for her is to get it on before she hears the thunder.


New member
Many dogs frightened of thunder do better in the bathroom. Something about negative ions. We had a GSD mix that used to climb in the tub and turn round and round bouncing off the sides. Made more noise than the thunder.