a new trick

Brinks' Mom

New member
Brinks has learned a new trick today!! He's mastered carrying the newspaper up the driveway and to the door. I only give him a part of the paper since it's too heavy yet for him to carry it. Thankfully he lets it go without wanting to rip it up or my husband would definitely have a tantrum. Newspaper to him is what my first cup of coffee is to me...lol

I'm sure it's nothing compared to what all of your newfs could do but we're still very proud of him so I thought I would give you all another puppy "fix". By the way, you know when they do that low bark that sounds like Moof??....I think they are really saying I'manewf...lol

I know I know...I've gone crazy. That's what true love does to you.

My eye on the prize for being such a good boy


New member
What a good puppy! That's so cute. Now, if you can just convince your newspaper deliverer to wrap the paper in plastic every day, your hubby's paper will still be readable when he gets it.

blackbear cove

New member
You should be proud of him for a great job well done thats great!!! Does he like the apple? Mine are'nt crazy about them at all.

He's a real doll baby!!!


New member
Wow....I love pictures of baby Brinks...he's such a doll and so good at his job
Just wait till he grabs the whole paper when he's bigger and your husband can't read a few paragraphs due to floogers
Bella knows how to grab my shoes and run around the house...but I'm afraid that is all she retrieves at this point haha.

Brinks' Mom

New member
lol..Katie...don't worry we do alot of chasing around here when Brinks gets hold of one of our shoes. He waits until we catch up to him and then he takes off in a different direction using the furniture and coffee table as an obstacle course.

He loves apples but doesn't really eat it all. He'll bite at it and play and lick the apple juice dripping from it. It keeps him busy for a little while. Oh and if the floogers start getting on the paper my husband will just give him a part that he doesn't read to carry. God forbid something should happen to his prescious paper..lolol It comes covered in plastic anyway but we take it out of the plastic for Brinks to carry a part of it. He loves to retrieve things that you throw but I think its because he really loves making us a chase him all over the place to get it.

Did I mention how much I love him yet??? lol