Recent content by Susan Ferree

  1. Susan Ferree

    New picture of Kashmir on Facebook

    I finally posted some new picture of Kashmir. Most of them are either of her asleep or playing in the tub. She will come in the house muddy and stinky. All I have to do is go to my bathroom and turn the water on for my tub and she jumps in. She splashes and plays cleaning the mud and gook off in...
  2. Susan Ferree

    OMG, it is so hot!

    It is 90 something out side and 80 something inside. Yes I am very used to air conditioning. The heat pump died this morning. We usually keep the temp around 62 to 64. UGH!!!!!!! We ran by Wally world and bought a couple fans. I refilled the baby pool with fresh cool water for the furkids to...
  3. Susan Ferree

    Can someone 'splain to me....

    What is it about newf puppies and brooms? Isabella and now Kashmir attack the broom when I try to sweep. All I can do is stand there and laugh.
  4. Susan Ferree

    Pictures: Kashmir and her sisters

    I just posted new pictures of K and her sisters. Enjoy.
  5. Susan Ferree

    Kashmir antics

    Kashmir has been with us just over a week. It seems like she has always been part of the family even though she is only about 10 weeks old. She sasses the other dogs unmercifully. She and Chloe are best buds and play constantly. At the moment they are about the same size. That will change...
  6. Susan Ferree

    Pictures of Kashmir and her sisters

    This is a link to facebook with the pictures, finally!
  7. Susan Ferree

    Kashmir's nickname

    Kashmir already has a nickname, "Bubbles" She is so bubbly and happy. She has the best little puppy smile. Hopefully this afternoon I can get Margot to post pictures of her. She is doing so well. She is fantastic about doing her business outside. She love to play in the holes the other dogs have...
  8. Susan Ferree

    Kashmir, ETA noonish tomorrow

    Yipeee, Kashimir is scheduled to arrive tomorrow around noon. HAPPY DANCE !!!!!!!!!! pictures to follow as soon as we get her home and settled. WOOOOOOHOOOOOO!
  9. Susan Ferree

    OK, so I can't keep quiet any longer!

    We're getting a new newf puppy next week!!!!! We are so excited we can hardly stand it. Her name is Kashmir, a la Led Zepplin. She is black, 7 1/2 weeks old and CUTE as a button. The breeder has been so wonderful, sending us videos from time to time so we could see her as she grows. Kashmir...
  10. Susan Ferree

    Isabella crossed over this morning

    My sweet baby girl crossed the rainbow bridge this morning after having a bad weekend. She felt so bad she couldn't enjoy the beautiful snow we had. She would just stand breathing the frigid air as if it felt good to her. The vet asked permission to take one of her kidneys for testing to see if...
  11. Susan Ferree

    Isabella is home

    Her lab work was unchanged from Monday. The vet talked to a canine renal specialist who says her labs don't fit acute renal failure. They still don't know the cause of the failure. Any way the IV fluids didn't change things so they let her come home on a renal diet and several meds. Once she...
  12. Susan Ferree

    Izzy Update

    She is being treated as an "out patient" at present. We have gotten to bring her home at night and take her back each morning for IV fluids all day. They are still trying to flush out the kidneys and get them working on their own. Lab work was drawn this morning but wasn't back tonight when we...
  13. Susan Ferree

    Quick Izzy update

    The vet called with the ultrasound findings. He says her kidneys are very small which means they are probably scared from a chronic kidney infection. He is sending a lepto panel since Lily our Pyr has probably had ?lepto twice. The vet is keeping Izzy a couple days on IV fluids and antibiotics...
  14. Susan Ferree

    Isabella is sick, Prayers needed please

    I don't post much but I do check in daily to read the adventures of all the fur kids. I know the power of this group when one of the kids is sick, that is why I am asking for prayers for miss Izzy. She is my one and a half year old newf. I took her to the vet yesterday for a gaggy cough and she...
  15. Susan Ferree

    Hope you get a laugh from these

    Some one sent these to me in an e-mail and I had to pass them on. FOR THOSE WHO LOVE THE PHILOSOPHY OF AMBIGUITY....( as well as the idiosyncrasies of English) 1. ONE TEQUILA, TWO TEQUILA, THREE TEQUILA, FLOOR..... 3. ATHEISM IS A NON-PROPHET ORGANIZATION. 4. IF MAN EVOLVED FROM MONKEYS...