Can someone 'splain to me....

Susan Ferree

New member
What is it about newf puppies and brooms? Isabella and now Kashmir attack the broom when I try to sweep. All I can do is stand there and laugh.


New member
Is that similar to the vacuum? Angus used to attack that, but he was 3 when he arrived.

in Maine where the bugs are coming out.. yuck!

Wayne A

New member
I think they like the feel of it in there mouth.Chloe will and always has grabbed the broom and will run around with it.Even when she was a puppy she constantly dragged the brooms out from behind the door at the cottage.And yes it's so funny or cute you just have to laugh.:)


New member
Gandolph looks like he is dancing when he attacks the broom......It makes Greta and Gigi bark


New member
Yep, await and pounce, then bite down and wrestle....heaven forbid you've got a pile of Newf hair and dust piled up just at that spot!!

BossMan runs in fear when the vacuum comes too close, and he's 3 next month. I'm sure my 2 inch vacuum hose on the Dyson will swallow him whole one day.



New member
I didn't know it was common. Finny attacks the broom too! Here I thought I was being nice to him instead of using the mini-vac, can't win!! Cracks me up!


New member
newf puppies and big newfs. I never get to sweep or mop, she attacks every chance she gets so my floor suffers :(
Sara is 5 months old and attacks the broom too. Many of the pups we have had also attack the broom. They'll be sleeping soundly, and then as soon as I start sweeping they're wide awake and running all over like little demons!


New member
Maggie always acts like the broom is doing a play-bow at her, because she'll respond with a bow, then pounce at it and get all nutsy acting. She's done this since she was a pup. She also likes to be vacuumed. Go figure.