Zelda came to visit today


New member
Zelda is from the same kennel as obi. I think obi's sire is Zelda's maternal grandfather. Anyway, we met outside and Zelda was shy and growly at first so we walked along and let her explore. Eventually we let obi come close for a sniff. That went well so we brought the dogs onto the deck to play. Zelda would dart from bench to bench diving under them in a glorified game of tag. Obi would try to stick his head under the bench and bark. As soon as he would stop Zelda would egg him on to bark more! Then Zelda discovered the water bucket and you can all guess what happened next. Into the bucket she went pawing and splashing in the water. The dogs had fun but will be able to play better once zelda grows a bit. Zelda is signed up for her first water rescue course later on and obi is signed up for the same one so we ran obi through his paces. He remembered quite a bit! Thanks to Zelda's mom for bringing her to play!

Here are a few photos. https://www.flickr.com/photos/51493963@N05/17558906858/in/album-72157639253074023/
Always nice to meet the kinfolk as I say. Glad Snuffles has some close by (Half brother, Uncle Cousin and Nephew, though we don't get to see them much now. We did keep his half brother/cousin Apache for over a week back in late Feb when the rest went to FL. The beach house had too many steps for Apache. Too bad they were both pushing 11 so they just lay around since neither get around to good these days.

When Snuffles had his 11th birthday, I asked the breeder if she ever heard from any in the litter. She sent me 2004 email addresses. I need to write and see if I get any replies.