You know your rescue-Newf has settled in when...


New member
So its been around 8 weeks since River joined our family but its just been recently that I've noticed she is really making herself at home.
She has established routine and made a few claims ie. the famous spot under the kitchen table, chews her bone outside beside the apple trees exclusively, favourite toys, tells me when its time to eat etc etc. When I came home from work today I discovered she had ripped into a bag of garbage I left out (my fault entirely) but this is the first time she's done this (I've been lazy before about the garbage). In a way, I'm encouraged that she is feeling comfortable enough to get into a little mischief. I suppose the rest of you who have rescued Newfs before know this moment I'm referring to when you just feel like they've finally, truly settled into your family.
I will continue to smother her with affection, only now it will be because we both like it, not because I'm trying to convince her this is a good place to be.
River is such a sweetheart. I wouldn't change a thing about her.
her fav spot while food is being prepared:
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New member
I know how you feel...our old boy Dexter took quite a bit longer to acclimate but when he did it melted our hearts. He is now my shadow and such a love.


New member
I know exactly how you feel! I thought the same thing when Maggie turned over the trash can and ate the garbage for the first time.

Good for you & River!


New member
So happy to hear this. When we bring a dog home they usually are greeted by all the others and that's all it takes. I remember when we brought Echo home, after a 7 hour car ride when she was car sick the whole time. I figured she would be feeling bad, might be a little irritable, etc. She walked out the back door, crossed to the grass, peed and turned to DH and I and gave us a big smile, a huge sigh of relief, "hugged" each one of us and walked under the tree and laid down. She might have well said, "I am so happy, I love this place, I love you and I'm finally home".


New member
Woohoo! You know they're settled when they are willing to show you their mischievous side!

I think I am in love with your stove - do you do all your cooking on it? Tell me more, please? :) How old is your house? Your floors are fabulous. (We live in a 1758 house and I love the oldies!)