Worried about Merrick


New member
Gosh.....there are so many things that can cause seizures......such as tumors, etc. I've thought about you all day. Big HUGS!
In Merrick's case the high temp was caused by the seizures. At least that's what the vet told me. The temp started dropping once they gave him the sedative.

Annie, in addition to Zatara barking a warning, he did seem somewhat aggressive to Merrick. It wasn't anything major but I could tell Zatara was uncomfortable with the situation and was acting test -- like he does when he is not in the mood to play and Merrick starts pulling on his tail. I hadn't realized that healthy dogs might attack seizuring dogs, so I appreciate the warning and will be more wary just in case.

Another thing the emergency clinic told me was that there was an instance in which Merrick growled menacingly at them last night. I have never known him to be aggressive toward humans. I do watch him around other dogs, especially when food is around because of the one instance in which he bit our Pomeranian in a tussle over spilled kibble. I don't think he was even trying to be aggressive then. He could have done much worse damage if he had been trying. Nonetheless, I am careful. I wasn't very happy to hear that he growled at the vet but I do understand that he was completely disoriented, probably not aware of what he was doing nor where he was nor how he got there. Poor baby.


New member
Sending more prayers for Merrick...please keep us informed....and try to get some rest (near impossible I know) You are doing all you can for him right now....


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Yes, Kirsten...not to worry you even more but please mention to your vet about brain tumors causing seizures. I am not sure if it's the same in dogs as it is in humans but I know that we see a lot of patients admitted to our unit with new onset seizures who once CT scans are done are diagnosed with brain tumors. I am not trying to scare you more...I know this is probably so overwhelming as it is...I just want to make sure that you ask about this in particular. I am praying for Merrick. I've also been thinking of you guys all day long...I can't get poor Merrick out of my mind. Please keep us informed. We are all rooting for a safe recovery for Merrick!
Merrick finally emerged most of the way out of the stupor and did not seizure, so the vet felt comfortable sending him home with me instead of sending him back to the emergency clinic for another overnight watch. He still acts like he's drunk and walks a bit unsteadily, but he is walking much better than before. And I could see by the look in his eyes that he is more himself. I have never been happier to get a lick on the cheek than I was today when I picked him up from the vet and he gave me a kiss while I was trying to hoist him into the back seat of my car.

I feel like such a horrible mom though, because of what happened next. My only job is to watch over him tonight and then bring him back to the vet tomorrow so they can watch him while I'm at work. Merrick and I had just come through the door of our house and I bent down to pick up his food dish (he had not eaten all day) -- in those split seconds, he FELL DOWN THE BASEMENT STAIRS! I feel absolutely sick to my stomach just thinking about it. He does not seem to have been injured by the fall, thank goodness. I have been watching him walk around for a while now. He is pacing a lot, but I think that is from the meds. He doesn't seem to be favoring anything. It is hard to be absolutely certain because he is still unsteady on his feet and a little disoriented from the meds. He has never gone down those stairs before because he is somewhat fearful of them, but I think he smelled the cat food on the landing and went straight for it without even realizing the stairs were between him and the food. And then when my son and I finally coaxed him back up the stairs he did not want to go any further than the cat food, which he took a big helping of. I sincerely appreciate the good wishes and prayers that anyone would care to send his way.


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Poor Merrick. It's just one thing after another for your beautiful boy! Hope he is feeling better soon!


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You really are having a nightmare of a time.. I have no helpful advise.. Just know you and Merrick will be in my thoughts... I hope you can both get some peaceful rest tonight. Try not to be too hard on yourself Kirsten. You are doing the best you can. Hugs
Thank you for your supportive words. Merrick just now lay down to rest after 3 hours of pacing. I am hopeful that this means the mega-dose if finally wearing off enough that he is feeling more normal.

Prdmary, the vet said she believes this is epilepsy. Merrick's blood tests did not reveal any other obvious causes. Is this what you meant? I am planning to ask the vet about the brain tumor possibility when I take him back for observation tomorrow.


New member
Poor Merrick...I feel so bad for him...I hope the meds give him some relief. Sending good thoughts to you.


New member
Poor Merrick, seizures are frightening when you first see them and these poor babies don't understand what's happening to them. Because dogs talk with their bodies, I imagine it was scary for Zatara too. He's not used to seeing a dog flailing about and stiffening up, he just didn't understand the body language he was seeing in dog terms and it frightened him.

I had a Lhasa Apso with epilepsy. We never had to put him on meds because his seizures were rare. When they happened though, they were awful. There was that metallic smell, drooling and the stiffening of body parts, his eyes looked like they were ready to pop out of his head. We just held him when he had a seizure. Buster's seizures lasted only about 10 minutes and they were done, there were no lingering effects from the seizure.

I don't have any advice to offer you, I'm so sorry that poor Merrick has to go through this. When you have time, do some Googling about diet and epilepsy, there are some Vets that believe you can minimize the number of seizures with meds and diet, by eliminating grains, dairy and other foods. There *could* be some truth to it, (the diet theory) my daughter and I noticed Busters seizures seemed to happen after he consumed smoked meats or pork. Again, Buster had a very mild form of epilepsy.
Sendings good thoughts Merricks way.


New member
Yeah, ya just didn't mention much about what tests they have run so far. I'd just have a million questions......as I'm sure you do.

Hope Merrick is doing even better tomorrow......


New member
kirsten do not beat yourself up for the steps episode, it is the vet who should have prepared you for his "drunken" state, telling you to take precautions, to bad he did not :(
maybe baby gaits to limit his mobility in the house until he "gets his legs under him again" would help.
the pheno can cause many issues at first until they level out the dosage and find the level that works best for him.
hang in there, i am sorry to hear this, but many here are invaluable resources for you.


New member
Kristen...All that is going on right now, w/Merrick falling, growling at vet techs etc...is all results from the seizures and meds. Do not blame yourself for anything.

I've had epilepsy most of my life. It was only 8 years ago that a med. came out that finally controlled my seizures. I remember very well, especially in my high school days, of people telling me things I did during and coming out of my seizures. I actually hit one of my best friends, when he came up behind me, as I was coming out of one of my seizures. Grant it, I do not have grand mal, but no matter what type of seizure they all impair in one way or another.

I have heard very good things about phenobarbitol working well w/dogs. Hopefully Merrick will do good on it. Also, remember what I said about my sister's bichon. He eventually came off the med and is doing fine....

I can't help but feel for you, Merrick & Zatara...