Why I think these are good pics of River


New member
Out for a walk with River yesterday and snapped a few pics of her enjoying life in Kendal, Ontario. Unless I have a treat in full view, her bum is never on the ground! River has been through so much this past year. When I re-read the post "help us help River" to raise the thousands of dollars for her surgeries and I see her now - I can't believe she's the same Newf! Not sure if anyone knew how much this girl likes her walks. I still only take her for 30 minute jaunts twice a day. I'm sure she'd go longer. Also, she only takes a 1/4 of the dose of her metacam. While her muscle tone isn't fabulous she has improved so much in the last 6 months. River is a dream. I love her so! Thank you to all who donated to her surgeries, to Newf Friends for rescuing her and to her foster mom, Erica for getting her through it all. My girl is loving life LARGE!

Entering the forest:

I called her over, she came and then, kept going:

She was in front of me for this shot but by the time I clicked the camera she was off again:

I was so lucky to get this shot



Active member
Her story is so touching. River...You go girl! Live life to the fullest; wag your tail often, and run like the wind!


Super Moderator
Looks like she is having lots of fun. BTW since the backgrounds in the photos are also blurred you are moving the camera when you take the photo. Have you ever heard of panning? It is when you use a longer shutter speed and follow the moving subject. The background is streaked but the subject is in focus.


New member
Well since there is no such thing as a bad picture of River. :kiss: They are indeed good. :allg069:


New member
If not for that last photo, I wouldn't believe she ever stays still. She sure has come a long way. Just seeing her run is rewarding.


Active member
My day too. This is why it's nice to donate to organizations you know versus big bureaucratic ones. Go River go!


New member
Her name suits her! Rivers never sit still. My favorite is the one of her butt and tail ... like she's saying catch me if you can!