Why I heart Newfie puppies


New member
Not having a Newfie puppy for so long you forget how stinking cute they are.

Like being able to chew on 1 toy while lying on top of 2 others.

Really only sleeping well when in contact with water bowl.

Playing in the sprinklers at 8pm and then so tired not being able to make it off the grass and letting the mist continue to get her wet.

Then when the sprinklers are turned off being so weighed down by the water needing the step to support her.
This little girl is so much fun. I don't know how I will return to work after being off for 2 weeks just for her.


New member
Aww look at that face! Shes so cute and she looks like shes having a whale of a time with you lol..


New member
oh that last pic.........what an adorable shot!!!!! Do you need a babysitter...lol
I do we are hot here in California but it is not the same as the heat wave in the rest of the country..plus think of all the frequent flyer miles you could accumulate.
But I am lucky she seems to sleep most of the day so I wont feel to guilty during the day. Her big play times seem to be 5:30am to 7am and 8pm to 10pm.