What's the current stand on Rawhides


New member
now that i find out that elevated bowls are not good (and last I heard they were)

are rawhides still considered NO-NOs for dogs??

i get so confused.


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I purchase raw beef rib bones..for half the cost..of the rawhide chew-toy items. Better, safer, cheaper..guess why I'm a fan of 'raw chew toys'..? ;) ina n HB n Kesa


Active member
Don't give them anymore. Had a Dobe once that chewed his to a soft stage and unwound the knot ends. It was about a foot long when I had to retrieve it from his throat. I kept pulling it out and it kept coming!!! I never give them when I can't supervise and was glad I was there when he started to gag on it.


New member
I use them occasionally but I make sure I pick ones that are made in America (I heard they had tighter controls on chemicals used to treat the rawhides)


New member
I give them on occasion - maybe once a month...but only ones from the US and only with supervision. I'd rather give them a stuffed kong to keep them busy on days that they have extra energy and we can't get out to burn it off.


New member
Blech! Even the thought of rawhide turns my stomach! Never give them here - marrow bone (supervised) or kong. Oh, and I DO elevate the bowls here - Ms. Onyx likes to wolf, so for my peace of mind, the bowls are elevated. The elevation also helps as they get older - for a year or so after my mom passed away, I had her remaining dog here with me, and with his arthritis the elevated bowl really helped him out.


New member
I do not give rawhides to any of our pack. They get veggies and fruits. Kongs are everywhere in the house as well as other chew toys but no rawhides.
I too still use elevated bowls. Not going to stop. I don't agree with the recent posted study. It is outdated and not accurate (IMHO anyway, for what its worth)
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New member
Nope...none here. I've had to pull pieces out of two of our dogs' throats while they were choking on them.

It's been years since a rawhide has been in this house.


New member
Ross chews on rawhide "retriever rolls" quite often. I throw them away when they get short. He only gets them while supervised. He has a soft mouth and doesn't chomp through them quickly at all. One roll will last for several chew sessions for him.
Ebony has little interest in rawhides. When she does get in the mood for one she chomps through it fast, so I have to watch her very closely to make sure she is thoroughly chewing it. She prefers Sam's Yams!


New member
no raw hides here. i use to give them but than my dogs would eat them then they would vomit it back up and lets say i am no fan of cleaning that stinky mess up eeeww. i use elevated bowls and don't plan on changing. only blackie eats on the floor really he wont use a dish i have to put his food on the floor.


New member
I know a black Lab that died of renal failure due to rawhide. It took exactly 24 hour for the dog to die and I imagine it was a very painful death. The owner didn't know he shouldn't be giving rawhide and he gave it to his dog all the time. They are not digestible and block the intestines. If you must go with the bullwinkles if you guys have them there. They are animal parts and therefore digestible. I will never give rawhide and if boarding dogs come in with rawhide in their bags they are left there. It's not worth the risk. I know a number of petstores here that won't carry rawhide anymore which is pretty good considering it's money to them.

On the note of elevated food. I elevate my guys because if I don't they have to bend too far down to eat and their feet slide on my floors so they end up eating laying down. Is this normal? I asked my vet about elevating because I had heard that if you don't elevate their food they can get bloat but then on Dogster I read that if you elevate they can get bloat. It's all so confusing. My vet printed something he found on-line that states there is no direct relation to elevated food and bloat.

Sign confused (Susan)


New member
what's the difference?
Rawhide dog treats are often criticized for a number of different reasons, not the least of which is the choking hazard they can present if broken into smaller pieces through use and the inability of most dogs to actually digest the rawhide they do ingest, instead having pass through their digestive tract where it can cause damage if there are sharp ridges on the ingested piece. Because of this, more and more dog owners are turning to dog treats that don't present a choking hazard and that can be digested by their pets as they would their food.
Unlike rawhide treats, bully sticks are made from the beef of the cow, not the hide, allowing for it to be digested and processed by the dog as it would their food instead of passing it through their system like rawhide. Much like rawhide, bully sticks are available in numerous sizes, from just a few inches for smaller breeds to nearly a yard long for larger dogs, styles including braided bully sticks as a way to work the teeth and jaw muscles, and flavors that include chicken treats for dogs and lamb treats for dogs among others.

Much like rawhide treats, bully sticks can last from a few days to a few weeks, depending on the size of the treat given to the dog, and while with larger breeds and rawhide you have to be wary of the choking hazard from broken pieces, bully sticks are easily digested by breeds both large and small and won't chip and break to present a choking hazard like rawhide.


New member
ah ok.

i gave them beef tracheas a few days ago and they loved it.

and we didn't have guarding problems (hannah tends to resource guard rawhides and/or sterilzed bones)

I picked up some rawhides at lunch time but i'm going to return them and I'll get bully sticks from the place i get their food.

Harley is really into chewing...


New member
ah ok.

i gave them beef tracheas a few days ago and they loved it.

and we didn't have guarding problems (hannah tends to resource guard rawhides and/or sterilzed bones)

I picked up some rawhides at lunch time but i'm going to return them and I'll get bully sticks from the place i get their food.

Harley is really into chewing...
Hopefully, your 'local' place has a good price on them because they can be a bit on the expensive side. Especially if you have a voracious chewer and they don't last very long. Oliver can devour an 18" bully in 15 minutes or less. I'm going to look into the braided ones in hopes they'll last a bit longer. I always get mine off of Ebay.


New member
They freak me out. Quite aside from the choking hazard, they're a chemical sponge. Most of the commercial ones are bleached. Eeeeeee...

Edited to add that I freeze mine before I give them to the boys. They last a bit longer that way.


New member
Hopefully, your 'local' place has a good price on them because they can be a bit on the expensive side. Especially if you have a voracious chewer and they don't last very long. Oliver can devour an 18" bully in 15 minutes or less. I'm going to look into the braided ones in hopes they'll last a bit longer. I always get mine off of Ebay.

they are NOT cheap.... and I'm sure Harley and Hannah can both "kill" an 18" in 15 minutes.

Heck they can both devour an entire beef trachea in about 20 minutes....