What a night!


New member
My husband was out of town for work last night, so my daughter slept w/ me. I stayed awake in bed reading and checking FB on my blackberry until around midnight. Aurora crashed in the bathroom as usual. Poseidon kept looking for his daddy. He paced the room and would stick his head in my daughter's face and then look at me as if to ask "where is he?" He kept getting on and off the bed. I made sure his fan was adjusted just so and settled him down in front of it and went to bed. Sure enough, he's back up on my daughter's side looking for his daddy. He would lay on her legs which would wake her. I finally had to move him to our backroom so we could get some sleep.


New member
You two will feel miserable from lack of sleep and Daddy will feel wonderful because his boy missed him so much. BTDT.