We saw the specialists


New member
today and its not good news.

He has more problems than we thought.

His ulna and radius are different lengths the ulna short and the radius is long and bowed, where it is bowing it is turning causing his feet to splay outwards we were told this will continue until his paws will end up like walrus flippers.

The radius is also not sat in the elbow joint but outside of it. Our options are all or nothing. All would be surgery on both legs, possibly 3 removing pieces of bone from the ulna, he said if the bones fills in too ast it needs to be repeated and can often take 3 goes.

That the elbow would need partially removing to create a space where the radius could sit in, there is no curve for it to sit that would need to be created, his radius put in place and held with braces, wires and pins and thr wires would need pulling daily to get it to hold in place and that there are no guarantees with any of this and the first op would be in the region of 10k not including follow ups, xrays, ct scans and meds.

He said we can do nothing and allow him to enjoy his life whilst he is pain free but he couldnt say how long that would last for.


New member
Oh you poor thing! I am so sad to read this!! I was hoping as I am sure you were for good news! My two cents which are worthless to you would be keep him happy and pain free for as long as you can. The drugs out there are pretty helpful with pain relief and he doesn't know that anything is wrong with him yet. Poor guy...So darn sad...he is just the cutest little guy...love that little smile in your picture!!


My heart is aching for you and your family.
That little bundle of fuzz has brought you so much joy.
Love and snuggle him - we all know you are giving him the very best.
So sorry to hear his current diagnosis - hoping for a miracle and he keeps on pain free for a long, long time.


Active member
Love him for however long he may have,are you going to do the physio,etc.

Plus talk to the guy l reccomended about the quad wheelchair for support ,it may help with his quality of life.l have seen them ,also look at eddies wheels its an american manufacturer but it may give you the idea.

If you saw the difference a wheelchair has made to my cdrm girl its amazing and l am assuming Lumpkin's back legs are OK.l realise its a personal decision but my girl doesn't care she is in a chair,all she sees is she can run on her walks again.

Best wishes and he is lucky to have you.he is a special well loved unique boy.

How is he after his incident?


Super Moderator
I am so sorry you got disappointing news. The options seem to be a lot to put him through. And the expense is unreal with no guarantee. I'd keep him happy and pain free as long as possible. Meds can help him when he starts having pain. Enjoy him while you can.


New member
I am so terribly sorry for you & your pup. I'm glad you got an seemingly honest & forthright assessment from the specialist. Knowing allows one to move forward.


New member
So very sorry to hear this. Lumpkin is such a fluffy little guy. Do what you can for him and please give him a kiss from me.


New member
Hard choices. I'm sorry this is the case. Hugs all around. You have to love how dogs just live in the moment though.


New member
I'm so sorry you are faced with this. I look at your avatar and see his bright eyes and know how much it hurts to have to make these decisions. We are here for you when you need to vent and thinking of you and Lumpkin.


New member
So very sorry to hear this. You will be in our prayers daily. Love him and get lots of pictures of happy times. And remember that no one knows what really will happen. My old girl was dx with cancer last year (tumor on elbow) and we decided to love her for as long as we have. She was not expected to be pain free and mobile for any longer than a couple of months. It has now been almost 16 months and she is still doing well so we have had a bonus year we never expected.
I hope and pray that you will have longer than expected also.

mrs big dogs

New member
I am sorry for your bad news, he is such a cutie, I will pray you can keep him pain free and only you will know what the right decision is when the time comes to decide what to do, in the meantime enjoy that bundle of joy.