Watch this space...................


Active member
Sending blessings to Hannah and you. I know how hard this time is for you.

I am sort of in the same spot myself...again. Every moment you have them is so precious, and each one leaves a big paw print on your heart.

But it's all good just because we have been SO privileged to share in each of our dogs' lives even if for a short time. And the time is ALWAYS too short, no matter how long they are with us.


New member
Bobby is adorable! Sweet baby. :)

Prayers for Hannah. Enjoy this time and make it super special for her. <3


New member

Bobby is......very smart, usually wet, and fond of pig ear strips. He is eating like, well, a growing newf pup. I will be anxious to see what he weighs at his next vet visit. He is due for another set of shots. He is keeping me busy and on my toes, but that's actually what I need right now.


New member
Yes many names:

My Ricky
Mr. Smooch
Toungue boy
Hey you
Silly boy
Brainless boy
And more.....