Waste of Time?


New member
Just had my laugh for the day, although I probably should be irritated. While I was at my mailbox getting mail an acquaintance from across the neighborhood was out walking her little mixed breed, he's about 2 years old. She stopped and told me she heard I "was one of those dog people who makes their dog take obedience tests in shows". I said something in the order that yes my newf is training in obedience and she is a beginner and we've only been in the ring 3 times and we find it fun. She said "gee that must be a big waste of time?" Now the amusing part is that in this 30 seconds of conversation her dog has 1. chewed half way through his leash, 2. peed on her foot, and 3. attacked my mailbox. I just said "no, I don't find it a waste of time". LOL


Active member
Good answer. There's no bigger waste of time than talking to a wall. I always think it's pointless to fire back when the other person is just ignorant. But when you bring home those ribbons, be sure to mount them in your front window. hehehehehe


New member
What a knucklehead.

I was walking Bo the other day and we're working towards CGC without going to obedience classes, but with daily (self-taught) training. A man with a Rottie walked past us going the opposite direction, and I pulled Bo closer to me so he would continue walking and ignore the Rottie.

The man said, "Isn't he friendly?"

I replied, "Yes, he is, but I'm trying to teach him not to approach and greet every dog we pass."

The man gave me a look like I'd sprouted a fish on my nose and said, "Good luck with that." His dog, naturally, was straining at the leash and jumping.

I wanted to say (but didn't) - Just because you don't take the time to train your dog, DOES NOT mean everybody else accepts undesirable behaviors in their dogs. Sheesh. To each, his own. I'm with you on this one.


New member
Wow. I guess everyone has their own idea of what a "time-waster" is.

What irritates me is when people find out that my dogs compete in obedience they immediately want to know what "tricks" my dog knows expecting me to show them "play dead" or some other parlor trick. Nope, sorry, it is "obedience" not "circus act". ;)


New member
these are the same idiots I deal with at the dog park daily...........sheez. Thanks for the laugh (altho I didn't really need it)


New member
Love it Anne! She deserves every minute of trouble she gets. Obedience training is the best thing ever. Ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever, ever. Period.

However, I'm sure it's not her fault the dog did all of those things. Of course it's just a bad bad dog. Nothing to do with her lack of attention to him and failure to indicate proper and improper behavior. No. Never. :\ Poor dog doesn't even have a chance.


New member
When I am out taking Lucy for a walk, I usually get the question: Who is walking who? I never really understood why they would ask this, other than her outweighing me, because Lucy walks very nice on a leash with her halti and doesn't pull at all. I had one big guy say this while getting pulled towards me by his small/medium dog. All I could say was "well, it looks likes you are being taken on a very nice walk tonight. I hope your dog gives you a good treat when you get home."


New member
OH my, you are very well composed. I think I would have said " well, not all dogs come as well behaved as yours. Some of us have to work at it".....then laughed in her face and went inside to love on my dog.