Update on Baloo's Hygromas


New member
Since I last posted about Baloo's elbows a rather yucky development has occurred--It now has yellow crusties that are drying on his fur:( They seem warm and swollen too.(elbows)

Coincidentally and mind you I don't believe in coincidences;) He has been fighting with hotspots on his tummy and male parts for a while. They have stayed dry but crusty, however his fur is thinning and he rips it out because it itches--can't believe how fast that stuff can turn into a staph infection almost like a wild fire GRRR This is a never ending problem for him. I am wondering if this has went systemic, I called the vet and he is going to get him in emergency apt. on Monday. He thinks he'll probably need pred this time too... After he gets cleared up we are definitely following through with Dr. Dodds allergy testing! In the interim I'm giving him benedryl and I have taken some small socks and cut off the back heels and made little arm bands for him to keep it dry. Please say some prayers for my Baloobear!

Also thank you for all the good information on this common large and giant breed dog problem:)


New member
Chance got those once. A NSAID helped him...he didn't get pred. And he got some Animax on them, and I think some antibiotics.

Hope Baloo is all fixed up soon!


Super Moderator
Just remember, if he is on pred he has to be off it for so long to be able to be allergy tested. I think it is something like 3 months. I cannot remember but I do know it was a long time. Talk to your vet for something else so you can do the allergy test.

Hope he gets better soon.


New member
Thanks guys! Jeannie, Oh duh, I so should have known that about prednisone--I'm on it for life with my transplant and I don't ever respond to mosquitos or other nasty bug bites... Makes perfect sense. I'll ask him:)


New member
We went to the vets and he said Baloo has a real bad staph infection. He put him of cephalxin. He said once they get an infection like these they are always prone to them. Which must be the case, as this is about his bazillith one lol... I told him I was going to do Dr. Dodds salvia test, he seemed suspicious as he didn't see how she could only charge 50$ He would send it in to UC Davis lab in Calf. and it usually is over 300.00... I asked if he was aware of her reputation and he said yes, that's why he found it hard to believe she could do them at that price and wondered what facility she used and how accurate they are? I told hiim I know the folks that have used her for thyroid have been very happy with her:D He was very impressed with Baloo's coat and didn't think that he had thyroid issues, definitely didn't have the hair loss patterns associated with that--according to him. I am still doing the allergy saliva test!! and mayber the thyroid testing anyway.
Thanks everyone


New member
Someone chime in if I don't remember this correctly but doesn't Dr. Dobbs clinic have 501c3 status and take donations. That would partly explain the $$.