Trout Fishing with Lewis & Token (photo heavy)


New member
Sunday last week was 25 degrees, sunny and March 2nd which means early trout season in our area. Lewis and Token went fishing with me.

Am sure some of the trout thought they were being invaded by clumsy bears when the dogs swam through the deep pools, waded through the riffles and otherwise scared every fish in the stream.

We didn't catch any fish but we had a great time!

Token went to the other side of the creek which begs the question: How do you get a Newfy to cross the creek? Offer treats and squeek the squeeker!

and then everyone sits patiently...though you can see Lewis' jowls flaring as he prepares to demand the treat NOW!

Then the obligatory making of Newfy Snow Angels over something that smells really good....note the slight tongue exposure in the classic....OH MAN THIS IS GOOD expression....

Exploring where another spring enters the creek...


Token walks away b/c she smelled and wallowed on the walk out. Besides she's dignified...Lewis lacks dignity in the face of the awesome smell of dead things below the snow....

and a few gratuitous shots of the dogs looking handsome...

Aside from the Burdock (aka cockleburrs...look closely you'll see them as brown specs against Lewis' coat), it was a great day to be outside!

R Taft

Active member

I think this is an awesome picture..we also have "the look"

great pics all of the others too


New member
I'm sorry you didn't catch any fish, but it's more important that you just enjoy the great outdoors with your dogs. They're beautiful.