There Is Dog Hair In Everything I Do!


New member
I can't recall where I first heard this line, but it was so true I have to pass it along:
In my house, dog hair is a condiment.


New member
Yes. I decorate with dog hair and accessorize with drool. Last week I ran out of my Clorox toilet bowl wand things and dug out the toilet bowl brush. It was covered with dog hair.

Sheila B.

New member
Not only do I find dog hair IN everything, it's also ON everything, UNDER everything, BETWEEN everything and I don't even want to talk about the sink drains, lol :run:
Perfect timing on dog fur in strange places. Last night, I was brushing my teeth, and the electric tooth brush felt funny in my mouth. There was a long black hair intertwined through the bristles. Like most ask, HOW in the world did it get there, since Snuffles hasn't been upstairs in days??


New member
Funny, whenever someone says, "Gross, what is that?", I can usually safely say that it is probably dog hair or dog drool! :D


New member
I brought my tea up with me this morning into the (brightly lit) bathroom to get ready for work. I usually drink it downstairs in the dimmed living room as my one and only chance to relax before work, but I was running late today and didn't have the chance. I went to take a sip and, lo and behold, floating on top...a lone Newf hair! How many pieces of hair have I drank in the dark as I enjoyed my morning tea?!?! LOL!


New member
I brought my tea up with me this morning into the (brightly lit) bathroom to get ready for work. I usually drink it downstairs in the dimmed living room as my one and only chance to relax before work, but I was running late today and didn't have the chance. I went to take a sip and, lo and behold, floating on top...a lone Newf hair! How many pieces of hair have I drank in the dark as I enjoyed my morning tea?!?! LOL!
I wouldn't worry about it unless you start coughing up hairballs! :crazy:


New member
I poured myself a glass of wine one night and found a hair floating in it. Fresh clean glass and boxed wine.

Once, when I had a hair in my eye, I finally found it and pulled it out, it was quite long and not my own LOL

Christmas bows? LOL or taping presents? Lordie, I gave that fight up a while ago and just leave tiny broken pieces of Newfie hair stuck to the tape. Love me, love my dogs and their hair ;)


New member
Under your contact lenses is the worst!
OMG tell me about it!!!!

hair in your mouth...not yours. agh :) I'll use the blower and it flies up in my face. The other day I was blowing out Bava's coat and got hair in my mouth. It wasn't was his. Then, Sophies.


New member
Not only is it under every piece of tape in the house, it's under every piece of tape in my office at work.

On the butter, when guests are in the house. Hence why there is a sign by my door that states this is THEIR home and YOU are a guest.

In my underwear.


New member
I figure all the weird places I find hair is because it travels on me, and falls off there. At least, that is what I keep telling myself. The idea that Poppy is taking my Advil, brushing with my toothbrush and wearing my undies is just too disturbing to ponder.