The newfs


New member
I gave both my newfs a bath yesterday, but as soon as I got one wet down, he went and lay down in the leaves. When I got him up to soap him, she went and lay down in the leaves. Then I rinsed one, and he went and lay down in the leaves, rinsed the other and she lay down in the leaves. I blow dried one, then he weent back into the leaves, while I blow dried the other. Now they have dragged leaves into my house, and all ove rthe kitchen, which I had just washed yesterday. Leaves and water do not work well together on a newf, and now it looks (and sounds) like we are walking outside when we are inside.


New member
Oh NOOOOOOOO! I hate it when that happens. The same thing happened to me yesterday, but you are forgetting, when you try to rinse one off, the other one wants to drink from the hose, then they get wet and go lay in the leaves. Maybe you can use your K9III to get the leaves out of the house. Wow! What a day you had!


New member
Well, I can go one better. Frankie got a bath, then dried him, then when he went out to potty, he went in the pond. Then he rolled in the sand. Of course I didn't notice (since he only went in up to his stomach) and let him in the mud room!

Took him back out, where I tried to rinse him but the sand stuck, so I had to dry him again. Figured he might have to pee so let him wander around outside a bit. (NOT in the back with the pond)

Then...after all that time outside, he came inside and peed on the floor! So I had a nice mess cleaning up sandy pee!

I'll take the leaves.


New member
Wait did Frankie pee in the leaves with Drulzelot? Its so nice you guys live that close to each other.


New member
No he peed in the house. Maybe Donna's two peed in the leaves and that's why they stuck to them....ewwwwww.


New member
You're lucky that you have a puppy peeing in the house. Bentley, at 5, could really make a puddle. More like a small pond.


New member
Donna, It sounds like you need to rake your leaves LOL :)
Not the Newfs fault for laying in them ;)
All kidding aside, where are the photos of your gorgeous Newfs??


New member
I'm afraid Donna K and I don't live close, or I know mine would be in her pond and hers would be in my leaves.
Rake leaves? That smells like labor. I don't do labor. Bathing these two nutjobs should hold for a good month or so. That's the extend of my labor.


New member
Gojie rolls.. He rolls in the leaves, he rolls in the sand.. He never comes IN the house to pee but he does pee.