THE FAMILY (could be long winded and pic heavy)


New member
Soooooo its been a while since i posted but with having a newborn and all the washing, cleaning, cooking and working (oh poor me haha) ive been doing whilst letting Kirsty concentrate on neurtering Flynn there hasnt been alot of time for anything else.

Weve had Flynn home for nearly a month now and its just been the best, Tane has taken to him better than we knew he would and there is certainly a protective/gaurdian/brotherly bond that is forming, Any little murmer from Flynn and Tane is there, Just last night Tane was sitting out in the front section and Flynn started crying whilst i was changing him and next thing you know Tane is inside looking for him, i had Flynn up high on his change table and you could see Tane searching for him in his hammock on our bed etc etc and there was a distinct look of concern on his face when he couldnt see flynn untill he realised i had him then he just plonked his butt down and waited for his chance to give flynn a reasurring lick /sniff and kiss.

Tane has enjoyed having Flynn home especially as he thinks that everyone that comes to visit is here to see him and flynn is just an extra hahaha,

Probably the hardest thing is for me to remeber who is DADDY'S BOY (Tane) and who is DADDY'S MAN (FLYNN) so as not to confuse tane when im talking to either of them, ive have slipped up a few times.

Weve really made an effort to include Tane in everything we do with Flynn but ive also made a point of having Dadda & Tane time ..extra walks, cuddles on the deck etc etc just tane and me and it seems to be working fine not a hint of jealousy.

We had a family photo shoot the other week and yes when i say Family it means Tane as well,

In the photos of Flynn for anyone that is interested he is wearing a traditional peice of Maori (our Native people of which im part...say it like MOULDY bread) Jewllery . Its called a PONAMU (PO-NAH-MOO) and is made of greenstone which i think is only found in the beautiful waters of the South island rivers here in New Zealand. Traditionally it is handed down and given to you, you cant just go and by one for yourself (well you can but it loses its meaning) and has to be blessed by a KAUMATUA ( Elder from your tribe) in a body of running water and was traditionally given to the strongest most fearless Warrior of each tribe, They come in alot of different sizes and have alot of different shapes and each shape has a different meaning of what it stands for, Like diamonds the colour is a signifcant part in the $ value although as a family hierloom you cant put a value on it...Flynn's one is a traditonal shape given to men only and stands to protect him and give him strength and prosperity.... Anyway enough babbling from me here is some of our latest pics of FLYNN?TANE and the FAMILY...

Tummy time with big bro keeping an eye on him

Tane , although aloud to doesnt hop up on the bed but just as i was leaving for work this is what i found





New member
Oh and Flynn is doing great, putting twice as much weight on than they expect, fingers crossed is getting into a sleep routine


New member
That's fabulous! Please tell Kirsty that she's looking wonderful and oh boy....that little Flynn. Be still my heart :heart: What a beautiful little boy you've got there!

R Taft

Active member
:heart: :heart:....I just love the way you guys are a whole Family......Flynn is just too sweet and cute and Tane looks pleased with his new addition to the family :)
And by the way you guys look great too ;)


New member
Im very proud of my heritage and culture and love talking about it as its unique, if any-one would like to hear how the names etc i have mentioned are properly pronounced let me know and i'll post a brief video , nothing like hearing how things a ment to be said rather than trying to work it out by reading....


Active member
This makes me excited for the day that Elvis becomes a big brother!

I love that black and white one of Flynn. What a cutie!!

*which is still awhile away folks.


New member
Oh you are a most beautiful family!!! I love all the photos. Flynn is beautiful!! And Kirsty looks gorgeous and glowing happy. Well, actually, you all look so very happy.

I like Flynn's Ponamu. New Zealand is the most beautiful place I have ever been. We gave greenstone necklaces (I didn't know the proper name until now) within my family. But I think we need to go back because little Salomé didn't get one (she hadn't been born yet). I still wear mine every day. I'd love to hear the proper pronunciations! I think I've been saying Maori wrong (I was saying it like OWW (when you hurt yourself)). I only know the tiniest bit of Maori culture, and I'd love to hear anything else you'd like to share about it!!

Congratulations again on your little snuggle bub!! And thank you for sharing all your photos!


New member
Such great pictures. I so enjoy reading your posts about Tane and Flynn. Such a special relationshhip they will have.


New member
What wonderful pictures - you will treasure them always. I look forward to watching Tane and Flynn bond more as he grows.

Pam G

New member
Fantastic pictures!!! Your little one is just PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tane is so the pictures of him on the bed. I'm sure Flynn and Tane will be best pals as Flynn gets older