The Budmeister is hurting

Ocean's Edge

New member
Poor dear...

We've always held our breath a little bit, knowing the Newf propensity for joint issues, and getting his hips and knees x-rayed in June did nothing to quell our nervousness. We put him on glucosamine then (along with wild salmon oil). But he's just such a happy exuberant dog - who loves a good game more than anything - couldn't really slow him down.

So about two weeks ago he started limping some, his run at game time became more pacer than trotter, and he'd have a devil of a time sleeping at night trying to find a comfortable way to lay down. And he was sitting funny and just seemed stiff. So after a week of that we hauled him off to the vet - who agreed with me that it didn't seem like he had muscle tendon ligament involvement and seemed more joint related and the left hip was definitely a bit more swollen than the right. So we got a week's worth of Deramaxx (chewable beef flavour HA! We still need a good dose of peanut butter to help the medicine go down!). The deramaxx has definitely helped with the pain - he started sleeping though the night again, but he's still really stiff. We saw the vet on Wednesday was supposed to call her back by the end of the week, but missed closing time on Friday, called her first thing Monday, told em I'd call back today after he'd finished the full week. Of course the big goof managed to sneak in a hard game with Kilo when my back was turned and ended up having his sorest night yet.

Soooooooo now I'm waiting on a call back. Looks like it's gonna be a more long term treatment for the Bud. I was really hoping he'd just kinda jammed or sprained something and it would clear up with rest and meds. (seeing how suddenly it came on), but it looks like it's gonna be joint meds from here on in. (We have duralactim in the house and I think that's gonna be next - the question will be how much, and do I need to add a painkiller with it). I know we'll find something to manage it for him.... but I still just wanna cry for the poor dear. He's only 3 for heaven's sake.. he's still so ... energetic. He doesn't sleep well at night if he doesn't get his game on, but there's no way to really play the ball game with him and get him to take it easy... he's a full ON kinda dog... even with his hips bothering him.

So, not really looking for advice, so much as just feeling really sorry for my sweet Bud, and for myself a little...



New member
:grouphug: Hugs to you and Buddy. I don't have any experience, but hoping that you get some good advice and find whatever works best for you and Buddy. :grouphug:

Ocean's Edge

New member
I was just about to message you and ask about this... :( What did they (the vet) say is wrong exactly?
Just that his left hip joint is swollen, he could have just injured or irritated it, or it could just be arthritis rearing it's ugly head - we'd try the deramaxx for a week (today) and see if it didn't get better. It hasn't *sigh*

Ocean's Edge

New member
he's having a better day today - it's pouring so he's less interested in going out anyway, but he doesn't like having his ball games curtailed.

Still waiting on a call back from the vet (hope the receptionist gave her the message!) - they don't close for another 40 minutes.... so I'm still waiting.


New member
Hope your outcome is good. I'm going through the same thing with Moonlight only it her knee. Been on Metacam for a month and it's not getting better. I simply refuse to do a TPLO. It's just so discouraging.


New member
Another thing to possibly consider is a chiropractor if you have a good one available. Most vets will not suggest it as most MDs will not suggest a chiropractor for people.

I had a situation with Glory where she was crying out in agony and could hardly walk. A chiropractor found she was out in her neck and after two appointments with adjustments, Glory was fine. I didn't need any pain killers for her. I've used them for Henry when his stride just didn't seem right and found out he was out in the back or hips. A good chiropractor will tell you if more type of treatment is needed ie xrays or pain killers but I always like to go that route first before considering anything else.

I know you didn't need any advice but I thought I'd just throw this out there for consideration.


New member
Hope your outcome is good. I'm going through the same thing with Moonlight only it her knee. Been on Metacam for a month and it's not getting better. I simply refuse to do a TPLO. It's just so discouraging.

I'd agree with you on not doing a TPLO...but..remember there are other, less invasive techniques available if it comes down to no other alternatives. Another thing that worked really well for my girl was laser treatments. It reduced the inflammation in the knee and made her comfortable. If she had not been a young dog, and I had been able to keep her sedate and calm..I think she may have been able to heal on her own. 3.5 years...she still had too much energy and action in her, and we had to do the surgery. (Didn't do TPLO tho). She's 9 weeks post op now and you can barely tell except at a trot.

Ocean's Edge

New member
woah... long day, after Bud had us up all night my computer picked up a sudden vicious virus while checking my usual internet haunts this morning....

James has been furiously hacking away at my machine ever since trying to recover, ... still got a fair bit of work to do, but we're getting there. I suspect a full machine rebuild is in order, but it doesn't look like I've lost any vital data.

ANYWAY, finally heard back from the vet, sorta. (I do find it a bit irritating that they do tend to relay a lot of stuff through the vet techs when they're busy - but, all told she just saw him last week, and the techs are pretty good at taking the time to explain stuff - so it's alright) Suggested we try a series of injections directly to the joint - one a week for four weeks - the vet tech described it as 'glucosamine on seroids' LOL ... or some such. Cartrophen (100mg) We've refilled his deramaxx script which he'll still get at night with his dinner so that he can sleep through the night comfortably. I'm hoping this and time and rest (yeah right) will hopefully reduce the inflammation that causing this.

Side note, he's fine about going to the vet's - he likes it there, but he got worried when the tech took him in the back for his shot without us - the last time she did that he lost his manly bits!

He's still pretty stiff, and he HATES that he can't have his nightly game right now, but at least we'll all get a good night's sleep again ... we'll just have to play 'wait and see' on the rest of it.
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Ocean's Edge

New member
Has anyone experienced psychological side effects with either deramaxx or cartrophen?

Buddy has been ... uncharacteristically cranky with Kilo - started a couple squabbles, once in the last week, twice tonight. The kinda squabbles that usually only happen around someone getting too close to someone else's bone.



Active member
Zeke was for the most part just tired and he let me brush him without any issues, so sounds a bit odd to me. You might want to see what other say, cause this summer was my only experience with deramaxx. I'm sorry you are going through this and please know I'm thinking and praying for you guys.

Ocean's Edge

New member
well it's been 20hrs+ since the injection - and while I wouldn't call it a miracle, he is definitely less limpy and stiff this morning than he's been since this started. He also seems less.... out of sorts/cranky. Although he does seem tired (which is hard to tell when he spends most mornings sleeping on the office floor )

The changes are subtle, in his attitude and energy levels - we're watching him closely and keeping our fingers crossed that this will settle down.


New member
Has anyone experienced psychological side effects with either deramaxx or cartrophen?

Buddy has been ... uncharacteristically cranky with Kilo - started a couple squabbles, once in the last week, twice tonight. The kinda squabbles that usually only happen around someone getting too close to someone else's bone.

I don't have any experience with Deramaxx, but Mila's had Carprofen (the American version of Cartrophen) on a few occasions (before and after her TPLO) and she seemed fine with it. :shrug: Really, really happy to hear that the hip shot seems to be improving his condition though!!!!