

New member
Just curious, at what age do breeders suggest giving a pup suppments? Ie fish oil, vit e, vit c and glucosamine?

Peter Maniate

New member
A supplement with vitamin D should normally not be given until the growth plates are closed as the vitamin D could intensify the effect of calcium. Supplements with vitamin D include cod liver oil and unrefined sockeye salmon oil.

Unless there is a specific medical reason, my experience has been that supplements in general should be avoided until five months of age.


New member
Are Vitamin C and Ester C the same thing? My breeder says to give her pups supplements of vitamin C and glucosamine


New member
C and E, plus 1 tbsp safflower oil added to food as soon as we took him home at 10 weeks, per breeders instructions. no D supplements, other than in dairy products like cheese, yogurt.