Suki's Secret Santa Surprise


New member
Suki and the kids and I had a great time opening our package!! I was having trouble with the camera, so my pictures aren't great, but I still wanted to share them!

Thank you Boundless Newfs for the lovely surprises! We love all of them. I'm pretty sure the chocolates won't make it past tomorrow! Hugs and kisses from all of us!!!

Suki already loves this penguin, and I think he has the BEST squeak! It totally cracks me up.

Every year I buy each child an ornament and write their name and the year on it. Then when they have a tree of their own some day, they have some ornaments to put on it already. Well, I didn't even think of getting a special ornament for Suki's first Christmas, but Boundless Newfs did! Thank you, how perfectly sweet!

Cullen is having as much fun playing with the toys as Suki is!!!

Suki's new snake is REALLY cool with different squeakers! and a rattly tail! This is one Colorado rattlesnake that I'm not worried about having in my house.

The happy penguin


The bubble wrap is even fun!


New member
1) Your kids are adorable!
2) So is Suki!
3) Great gifts - especially the ornament idea! Will have to start that tradition for Bo this year!
