Scout turned into a hunting dog HA HA!


New member
This morning very early Scout was outside and he was barking his warning bark. When I went out he was jumping and circling the tree...Here he chased a gray cat up into the tree and had him held prisoner up there.(This is one of the many cats my neighbor lets wander all over the neighborhood!:crazy:) After I got Scout inside, I tried to get the cat down, but he was so scared that he fell about 3 feet down. No worries...he landed on all fours then took off like a rocket! I guess that will teach him to sneak around in our yard in the wee hours of the morning. All's well that ends well! Good boy, Scout!

Megan & Scout


New member
Tiki likes chasing the cats.
Mickey likes chasing anything that moves!
Merlin likes watching them both make fools of themselves, for he is a wise old soul.


New member
How hard was it to get Scout to move away from the tree?

There were about 209 chirping birds in the utility wires out our place this morning. Darwin was completely confused by the whole ruckus!


New member
He's working for the Commander and chased off the evil gray kitty. Good job, Scout!