River did it all by herself!


New member
River has been with us for 5 months now. She came very well trained to us, knowing her sit, stay, down etc etc. and she's obviously been told to stay off of the furniture. My Timber was also trained as a puppy not to go on the furniture, especially the bed. Now, because my DH works out of town a lot, I changed mind about the no bed rule. I tried for years and was unsuccessful to get Timber to ever sleep on my bed. She'd jump up but was obviously uncomfortable and she never stayed long. I've been trying the same thing with River and I could sense the same reluctance in her to stay there for long.
Last night however was different. I asked her come up and immediately starting massaging her. When I was done and turned off the lights I figured she'd jump down soon but she stayed all on her own, all night!
Now, I do have my husband's pillow case to wash and replace this morning before he gets home, and River needs to learn a little about sharing the bed but otherwise it was a success! Put that in your pipe and smoke it!


Active member
Haha. Most of us two and four legged's will do anything for a good massage. I see River is no different.


New member
Good girl River! My husband has never let the dogs on our bed. We watched the grand-dog while my son and his new bride were on their honeymoon recently. First night here she jumps right in bed with him! And that's where she slept every night for the whole two weeks and she's a bed hog!

So glad River is doing so well now - she's got a great mom!


New member
Hi All,
Well I just had to post to let everyone know, River is officially my new bed-mate when my hubby is out of town. I didn't know if I just got lucky that one night but River has decided she does like sleeping in a bed. So long as I am way over from the edge to start with then she seems to find her own space without kicking me out. Is there anything this girl can't do? What a way to start the day...I open my eyes and she's lying with her head on the pillow next to me - eyes wide open and staring at me - just waiting for me to wake up.
I dread to think what my life would be like if the two of us hadn't found each other.
Anyhow, that's another item checked off from our training list. Next we're going to tackle learning how to play tug.
We're off to bed for now....


New member
That's adorable. I was soooo tempted to let Maggie in the bed when my husband was out of town for 5 months. I resisted only because our bed is so high I would have to put in stairs or a ramp to get her up and down safely.

I totally would have lost my resolve and done it if I'd read this before he came home!!

Now I can't b/c we definitely don't all fit in the bed.


New member
I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy you and River found eachother. That special girl deserved a WONDERFUL home and I'm so glad she has it!