Rescue? Why bother...


New member
Why bother getting a Pyrenees from rescue when you can buy one from a puppy mill and breed it twice? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRR :grrr::grrr::grrr::grrr:

My coworker tells me he's getting one of Hera, but in all white. "A Pyrenees?" I asked. "Yeah, a Great Pyrenees" he says. So I try to tell him about meeting a girl in my area that does GP rescue and how she explained that they are so inundated with GP's that they have to put some of them to sleep for lack of foster homes and people to adopt. Before I can get all of this out of my mouth he says, "I'm going to get her in a few weeks and breed her twice and then have her fixed."

This makes me so sad. And there's no reasoning with this man. We don't get along to begin with. Obviously, we have very different views in certain arenas and he's older and wiser than me, not to mention my lack of a Y chromosome, so obviously he's right. :mad:


New member
That is so sad, makes you cry for the poor puppies. Have a friend with a mini-schnnauzer. He did the same thing and I couldn't talk him out of it.


New member
ugghh..... I do Pyr rescue and that just breaks my heart. What hurts more is the fact that the breeder is allowing him to do this. We have way to many down south that need homes. It is even fairly easy to get a pyr puppy rather then an adult.....


Active member
Lauren: What's especially scary to me is that this co worker doesn't know enough to know what kind of dog Hera is. And this co worker wants to BREED two litters of dogs?????


Active member
You just can't change stupid, I've tried many's very sad. I understand the frustration.


New member
Good for you for trying. I completely freaked when a neighbor boy in college told me he was going to do the same with a female bulldog. After living through the first blood cycle with him, he told me he'd 'changed his mind'. Some ppl are so Damn Dense.


New member
I have only met a couple. But when we started looking at newfies, the ASPCA said they'd gotten one newf in 12 years that the rescue came to get within 30 minutes! I signed up with the rescue and they had no rescue for the six months we waited. They did have a litter of puppies from a breeder who died, but that's pretty different since the husband just didn't know what to do with a pregnant bitch.


New member
So sad. But some people can't be reasoned with. I had a co-worker tell me how stupid I was because I didn't breed Maggie to "make some money." I told her she was an idiot.


New member
I've had that conversation with so many people getting a basenji to breed. No one listens, I finally started just handing them my rescue card and saying see you soon.


New member
Down south in states such as KY, TN, AL, Texas, GA and the Carolinas there is a huge amount of homeless pyrenees dogs. Farmers get them to help guard their livestock but do not fix them. So these dogs wander away, reproduce etc. They also breed quite frequently on the farm and the farmer keeps 1 then "re-homes" the others. Typically these re-homes are to the shelter.

Another reason there are so many in rescue is that these dogs wander A LOT. They will not stay on a property that is not fenced. They bark A LOT...All day and night to warn predators that they are there guarding their flock. This is great for livestock....Not so great for living in suburbia. This breed was also bred to be independent thinkers and rarely listen to commands, at least the first time. They shed, drool, dig etc etc...

Once you get past all the negatives they are a very sweet breed who is great with children! Typically they are laid back couch potatoes with very slow metabolisms that get along with most things.


New member
GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Id call wherever he getting the pyr from and let them know. What is he thinking!!!!!! A poorly bred pyr can have many issue......our garrett(byb pyr) had mental illness, it was so so so sad. We lost him at age 3


New member
do you think maybe you could slip him some literature...first on the breed ? Then on the perils of breeding ? I just feel so bad for the puppies of the puppies of the puppies...grrr


New member
One night in the car DH flipped around in the road and pulled back into the convenience gas station. Said- "I know you want to talk to the man in that car". Yep- had 2 Great Pyrs. While talking he told me he was Great Pyr rescue for this area. Strangely his name is the same as a VERY high powered personal injury lawyer in the area.


New member
hope he has researched the breed, they are not the average dog in obedience, they need a firm hand and a consistent owner that keeps up with training and can stand their ground with them. They are kind loving happy souls, love to cuddle but sometimes they are so one minded and independent and have selective hearing. they musy have a fenced in secure yard or they are They have strong ancient instincts that are difficult to break threw. A pyr is not for everyone. Please have him research the breed. I wouldnt trade my 2 for the world...they are my soul:bear: but they do test me once in awhile.....especially Gandolph:groovy::icon_stupid: , well he is a male PYR> Pyrs are very mystical


New member
I am also curious, I see quite a few of them on Petfinder. I never met a Pyr I didn't like. :confused:
They are great dogs, but like some have touched on already, they are definitely not for everyone. They are extremely independent, they bark, they patrol, they wander, their coat is high maintenance, they're largely nocturnal etc. They are a true working breed and I think because of a combination of a variety of factors, they end up being over-represented at shelters, pounds and rescues.

To the OP: Boo for your coworker!
We almost got a pyr pup before we looked into Newfs. Glad we did. Started researching pyr and didn't like a few of the things mentioned. Don't remember why? But I think there both beautiful breeds!!